red streaks love these

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Joel gets a little bit impulsive sometimes and maybe he needs to learn a lesson. After the weekend he decided to go and pay scott a visit and see if he can exchange the vape he stole for some hair dye.

If he couldn't, Joel would just blackmail him on tiktok. Scott couldn't keep his relations with multiple people secret for long so best to abuse it while he still can.

Anyhow after Joel got his hands on that sweet sweet dye, he went to find etho. Because who better to help him, than the man who bleaches his hair so much they look like an anime character.

And so after finding out where he can find the bleach stained washed up wet cat man.( he Kindly asked skizz.) and went to find him. And Skizzes info seems to be correct as he finds etho sitting on a bench right outside the side entrance of the school.

Ethos just on his phone scrolling through twitter. But when he hears someone approaching, he turns to look at Joel as he sits down next to etho. Joel quickly picks up and opens his backpack taking out the hair dye.

Etho looks at him with intrigue clear in his eyes. " Will you help me dye my hair ?" joel asks nonchalantly. Ethos eyes widen as he responds "and where are we supposed to do that" he says it in a doubting tone. "Well i've got just the place!" Joel says, then follows up with "the gender nonconforming bathroom ofc. It has a lock And if a teacher wants us out we just say i'm Having an episode.

And with that etho gave In. And they headed to the bathroom. Deep down etho knew it was a bad idea but he was too endeared by Joel to back out.

It turned out etho was at least getting some payment as Joel pulled 4 cans of monster out of his backpack, 3 of them being payment for etho. And 1 he immediately started drinking. It was at least a normal monster not the zero sugar ones those were (in ethos Humble opinion) shit.

The dye job went fine though Joel couldn't sit stil if his life depended on it, it was fine etho had expected it after all. Joel now had blood red highlights and his money pieces were also dyed just as bright. He personally loved it and he showed etho as much as when his hair had Been washed in the sink and dried. With the hairdryer, he hugged him as hard as he could. Etho was shocked and immediately stiffened.

"Thanks etho, I love it" said Joel. And he wanted to add that I love you. But he didn't because why would he. He doesn't love them and that's Just how it is.

"No problem" etho responded

Joel wrapped his hands around ethos shoulders and buried His face in his chest. Damp hair making dark splotches in ethos shirt, he smelled like smoke and the strawberry scented dye they had used to dye Joel's hair. Etho sighed and relaxed, pulling his arm's away from his sides to wrap them around Joel. hands at his waist, face resting on Joel's head.

They were content like that for a while. Eventually sitting down on the floor Joel leaning on etho. Both sipping on cheap shitty energy drinks (turns out Joel had a lot of cans in his bag). And etho thinks he could get used to this. If being friends with Joel brings so much fun and contentment, then etho is glad he met Joel in that park.

Etho likes Joel, with the smell Of his hair and the taste of those Drinks. He likes joel. Not because he likes how Joel acts or for The things he does. He likes Joel for his company and his jokes and his beauty and Kindness that hides within that weird half sheltered kid.

That's what etho likes about Joel, and now he's just Having to figure out if he just likes Joel or if he loves him. so he contemplates.

They both heard footsteps approaching and the rattling of keys Which Meant a teacher was nearby. So they decided to quietly pack up and leave.

In the end they ran out of the school laughing, they did get away with it. How, etho doesn't know, but it was fun anyway. And so there they were monster Cans in hand half drunk on adrenaline, running To god knows where. It was fun though and school was out so they couldn't be reported.

They walked around for a while. Just talking and laughing. And by the end he knew that there were 3 bad boys and that they bakes together and that badboy call each other babe. It was nice listening to Joel. He was so passionate about stuff. In the end Joel had to go home. It was sad he had to go, but etho knew this was only one adventure with many more to come.

That night just before etho went to bed he got a message.

Bad boy original

Gn etho had a fun Day with you :))

Etho looked at that and smiled

Kakashi ;)

Gn Joel i did too.

Bad boy original


Etho pulled the blanket over his head and his eyes went wide, his smile broadened, if he was blushing under his covers no one had to know.

Kakashi ;)

yo what up people , New chapter today im very exited but yeah sorry for the lack of chapter last month i was pretty busy and the oneshot was already writen so i published that. But i hope you enjoyed this chapter buh bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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