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Aanya's POV

My outburst back in the corridor was very bad. I normally don't have control over my tongue. Once I start, there's no going back. I reached home and called my only best friend, my cousin, Yashvi to update her with the drama in my life. 

"Hey idiot!" She said as soon as she picked up the call. "Hey stupid..." I said lowly. "What happened? Why do you sound so low? I thought your exams get over today." She said sounding concerned. 

"They did get over today, but I made a fool out of myself today in college." I told her. "Well, you are a fool, but will you please elaborate? " She asked and I told her everything. "Oh..I know what will help you" she said getting all excited. "What?" I asked.

"You see we are going to this club. It's just me and some of my college mates. Join us. It'll be so much fun and you can enjoy too. If you know what I mean." She said and I fell into a thought. I can go as I am going to be 19 soon which means I am an adult legally, but will it be right? I have never gone to such places before. 

"Stop thinking and get ready in an hour. I am coming to pick you up." She said and hung up not even giving me a chance to speak. I sighed and got up. My dad was not home so I decided to leave him a message that I am going out with Yashvi. 

I think I should enjoy myself. My junior college just finished, and I am about to enter into the path to my career. This is the only time I have for enjoying. I smiled and got up to get ready. I wore a beautiful wine colored puffed mini dress that reached my thighs. I quickly put on the makeup, and I was ready. 

Yashvi came to pick me up in no time and we drove towards the club. We entered the club and Yashvi started looking for her batchmates. I looked around the place. It was my first time in a club. Though I am known as a brat all around, but I've never done any such things. Since I am straight forward and always giving back answers, I am named as a brat. But trust me, I am not *puppy eyes* 

I was looking around when Yashvi pulled me with her to her batchmates. "Hey guys, meet Aanya. My bestie." Yashvi introduced me to them, and I just smiled and waved at them. We sat together and after introducing everyone, we ordered drinks. As everyone indulged in their talks, I picked up a glass of beer to drink.

But before I could take a sip, I got a call from my dad. I smiled and excused myself. I came out to talk with dad. "Hello dad! Yeah, I am in a club with Yashvi...No I don't need anyone. I don't understand why you are always so adamant on assigning a bodyguard for me. Who's gonna kill me?...Ok dad, don't worry I'll be fine. Bye love you." I cut the call and sighed. 

I turned around and almost yelled, but he kept his hand on my mouth shushing me. "Don't shout!" He said and removed his hand when I bit him. "You idiot! Who scares the other person like this?!" I asked him. "What the hell are you doing here?! Are you an idiot? Who brought you here? Go back right now!" He kept rambling. This mofo will die because of speaking so much. 

"Shut up! Why do you care? And I am not going back. Stop poking your nose in my life. Understood? Mr. Vineet Singhal. Stay the fvck away!" I said pushing him and walking forward but he held my hand and pulled me back. He was facing my back and twisting my hand. 

"Listen here you little troublemaker, I am warning for the last time. Do not drink anything suspicious and yeah do not do anything you regret later." He said gritting his teeth. Guess I really do make him mad easily. 

"Watch me!" I said in a challenging tone yanking my hand. "This girl irritates me a lot" I heard him mutter under his breath as I walked in. I went and sat with Yashvi and her friends as if nothing has happened. I picked up another glass of beer as the previous one was wasted because of Vineet. 

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