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Author's POV

Mr. Madhav left the room. Aanya and Vineet were back in the office. While Aanya's eyes held hurt, anger and long-lost love, Vineet's eyes held determination and a hope for another chance to shower her with all his love. Aanya held out her hand for a handshake, but Vineet looked at her hand in confusion. 

"Aanya Verma, Senior lawyer and InCharge of this case." Aanya said with her hand still out for Vineet. "Ouh... Vineet Singhal, Detective from SpyAgent Ltd.," Vineet said accepting her handshake. "I hope we cooperate with each other while we are working on this case." Aanya said while Vineet acknowledged her with a nod. 

"Alright! Now that the introductory have been completed, I would like you to get into the case and help me out. These are the case files, and this blue file contains all the details of Kavya, the victim." Aanya said handing him a bunch of files. "Alright I'll go through all these as soon as possible." Aanya just nodded and pulled out her phone as she took the support of the desk to get into a half sitting position while Vineet was seated on a seat right next to her and going through the files.

This position brought back memories which she treasured.....


Aanya's POV: 

It's the first day of the college! And I am so excited. ICFAI law school is one of the biggest law schools in the country with a gorgeous campus and highly trained faculty that not only teach law but also other related courses like investigation and detective intelligence. 

Currently, I am getting dressed to go to the college and suddenly my thoughts go back to the night I spent in a stranger's house. I am honestly kind of scared about it coz I still don't know with whom I was. What if it is someone I know? What if it was a psychopath? Okay that's far. But one more thing that I am scared of is... Did something happen that night? I most certainly think something happened.

My clothes were not the same that I wore to the pub. I don't know what happened and right now I don't even want to think about it.

I shook my head to remove those thoughts and picked up my bag and made my way out. Greeting my dad on the way, I left my home with Yashvi who was waiting for me. 

Yashvi wants to study business and that's why she joined ICFAI business school. For a rundown, ICFAI has three campuses: Business school, Law school, and tech school. All the three have different campuses. Yashvi stopped near the entrance of law school. I bid her bye and went in while she went towards her campus.

The campus had arrows and banners all around to help new students like us to find the way. I reached the orientation room and took a seat while reading the pamphlet a guy handed me on the entrance. "Hey! do you mind if I sit here?" A girl with fair complexion and height around mine said. She looked beautiful in her full hands, maroon t-shirt paired with dusky white baggy jeans. 

"Of course! Please sit." I said to her with a smile. "Thank you! I'm Ahana Madhav. First year law student." She said introducing herself. "Aanya Verma. First year law student." I said introducing myself. I felt good knowing someone from same batch as mine. "It's good that we are in same batch, isn't it?" She asked. "Of course!" We continued talking for a while after which the orientation began and later, we were asked to go to our assigned classrooms. 

Ahana and I were getting to know each other and getting comfortable with each other. We were walking towards our class when I saw Vineet. My feet stopped on their own. Why is he here? 

"Hi little penguin!" He spoke. What's with this name now? I rolled my eyes at him. "Why are you here?" I asked while Ahana looked confused. "I think people come here to study" He said trying to outsmart me. "Yeah, PEOPLE come here to study, not pigs like you." I said and Ahana bit back her laugh. "Well, I don't think you want your little penguin scrunchie back." He said showing me my penguin scrunchie. 

WTF! how does he have it? "Why do you have it?" I asked him trying to take it back but he held it higher, not letting me reach it. "You left it in my apartment the other day." He said and I looked at him confused. Then it clicked me. 


"I warned you not to drink, sweetie." He said in my ear. I stood there shocked. 


I came back from my trance when I felt Ahana shaking me. "Aanya! What happened? Who was he?" She kept asking. "Uh. No nothing. Let's go to our class." I said and went forward. 

Ahana respected my privacy and did not ask anything about the incident in the whole day. We hung out together and encountered Vineet and his friend group quite a lot of times in the day. Soon the day came to an end and we home. 

I went in and as usual, dad was not home. He's never home when I return. I went to my room, changed and layed on my bed. I was contemplating today's incidents.

So it was him. How? Why? and many questions were roaming in my mind. I just don't know how to put them into words. I just never imagined this. He kept wearing my Penguin scrunchie in his hand the whole day. 

I should not think about him. Whatever has happened can't be changed. But I still hate him. 


Next morning

I bid Yashvi bye and went in the campus. I found Ahana standing near the gate with Vineet. They were talking about something. I made my way towards them. "Hi little penguin!" He spoke. "Don't call that, you pig." I said to him. "Hi Ahana!" I greeted her as she replied back with a smile. "Penguin, I just wanted to inform you to wait for me after college. I'll take you home." He said making me turn my head in a jiff.

"Why the hell would you take me?!" I asked to which he shrugged and replied "Maybe because your dad told me to do so." He said. "Well, he didn't tell me to come with you so no I won't go back with you." I said.

"We'll see about that, Penguin." He said looking right into my eyes. "Yeah! we'll see." I replied with the same intensity. He left with his friends. I and Ahana went to our class. Ahana didn't ask me any questions. Probably because of how irritated I looked. This guy always gets onto my nerves. 

Soon enough our class began and Ahana and I focused on the professor.

Flashback Ends 

"Ms. Verma!" I came back out of my trance. "Huh! What?" I asked. "I think you need to work on your focusing skills. You seem to zone out way more often." He said taunting me. "I certainly don't need to learn that from you, Mr. Singhal. Now tell me what were you saying?" I asked in a no- nonsense tone. 

"Family background and other personal details of Kavya are missing. I think we need to go to Dehradun for investigation." He said and I agree. "Yes, the details are missing but certainly, investigation is not the job of a lawyer I believe. Go on your own and find the details." I said.

"What makes you think I am going to listen to you? You are coming with me whether you like it or not." He declared packing up his bag and leaving the room. 

OH GOD! This is going to be one hell of a case.

Hey everyone! Part 6 is up!

Do vote and comment down your views on the chapter. Next part will be posted next week. Thank you for being patient.

Yours Nyraa.

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