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Author's POV

Next day, Vineet was standing outside the airport, waiting for Aanya to arrive. He knew she is very stubborn and would do anything to get onto his nerves. Their flight was about to leave in another half an hour, and she still didn't show up. 

He sighed knowing her nature. He knew she would come but only after testing his patience and limits. He was used to this behavior of hers. But even after her annoying him and irritating him so much that made him pull his hairs hard enough to make him go bald, he still loved her. He always did.

Flashback starts

Vineet's POV

2 months into law school have been a roller coaster ride already. With college stuff and events, I also have to keep an eye on this notorious and stubborn kid Aanya. This girl is definitely an idiot. 

But she's cute too. Wait- WHAT?!! NO SHE AIN'T CUTE.

okay... calm... how can I? I hate her. I think. -No I do hate her. 

Ughhhh! It has all started after that night. That night.... It was dreamy to be honest. I never knew this penguin had such a side hidden. If you ask me about her body.... well I won't talk about that. Yeah we're enemies but I respect her.

She's beautiful. In and out. I remember one day when I was driving from college to home, I saw her coming out of her car. She went to a nearby restaurant and bought 3 big bags of food and distributed it to the poor. She's not that spoiled brat of a rich father.

Yeah! she definitely irritates me enough to make me go bald but she's cute. 

I was in my thoughts...(you mean in her thoughts *smirks*) I mean you shut up. 

I saw her. She was wearing navy blue full sleeved tshirt with cream coloured pants. She was smiling with her friend. They were discussing their case that they were going to present infront of everyone. She looked a little stressed but still managed to keep a smile. 

"Vineet! bro what are you doing here? We were supposed to go to the library." One of my classmates said. "Yeah let's go." I said glancing at her for one last time before leaving with him. 

We were in the library going through books and files for a certain case project when my phone buzzed. I looked at it only to find a text from Aanya's dad asking me to bring her home as he wanted to meet me. I replied him with a positive response. 

Now the task is to get his stubborn kiddo to come with me. That irritating 18 year old acts and irritates me like a 5 year old. I sighed and got back to case file I was reading. Will deal with her later. 

I approached her during lunch break. "Hey penguin." I said with a pat on her head. "Don't call me that." She said yanking my hand off of her head. "Woah! calm down leopard." I said patting her head again. "Can you stop doing that?"She said being irritated but do I care? Of course not. 

"No I won't. What will you do?" I asked. It feels good to see her all riled up. "I'll mix chilli powder in your protein drink that you drink everyday." She said. She knows this? She came to my gym? 

"Penguin? did you stalk me?" I asked nearly laughing because I know she'll get more irritated now. "WTF NO!" Her reaction was wholesome. "Then how do you about protein drink? You came to my gym?" I asked more. "No I never came to your gym. I just guessed it." She said. Wait is she lying? OK I think it's enough. I'll irritate her more later.

"Anyways, I came to inform you that I'll be taking you home today." I stated. "I'm not coming with you." She said instantly. "I never asked you penguin. You are coming with me so you better wait outside after college. Bye." I did not wait for her to reply and just left. 

After college I went to parking lot and sat in my car and went towards the exit where I expected her to be. I went there but she was not there. I inquired in case she left the campus without me but people said that she didn't go out. I waited for her in case she was completing some work inside.

More than an hour passed but she didn't come out. I pulled out my phone to call her and that's when I saw her coming out with a huge pile of books in her hands. I went to take some of her books. "I don't need your help just give them back." I ignored her and continued walking. 

"Are you deaf? You idiot I'm talking to you." I didn't give her any response. "Ignoring me huh.. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT I DON'T LOVE YOU?! WHY DO YOU KEEP COMING AGAIN AND AGAIN?" She shouted and that made me stop in my track. 

Wtf did she just say? 

I looked at her. "I'VE ALREADY TOLD YOU MANY TIMES TO LEAVE ME ALONE BUT SEEMS LIKE YOU CAN'T TAKE REJECTION." She continued with her drama. I looked around. Though there were not so many people but still enough people to gossip and make this a hot news in college. I went towards Aanya.

"Are you mad? Why are shouting such things?" I asked her in a low voice. "How dare you ignore me?" She asked. "Ok. I'm sorry I'm not ignoring you. Now shut up and come with me." I said trying to pacify her. IDK why am I even trying? 

"NO I WON'T COME WITH YOU." She said again. "STOP SHOUTING AND JUST COME WITH ME YOU STUBBORN KID." I joined her with the same tone as hers. "Why are you shouting? Just because I rejected you?" This girl!!! 

"Stop this right away people are looking at us." I said to her. "As if I care." She said. "OK. What do you want?" I asked. "I want you to go on your knees and say sorry." She said. "Wtf I ain't your boyfriend missy" I said. "Do it now or I'll shout again." She said. "I ain't doing something like keep shouting." I said walking back to car.

She kept shouting for some more time but I didn't react. Finally I saw her coming towards my car. She opened the car door. "I knew you'll-" I stopped when I saw picking her books and and shutting the door with a loud thud. 

My poor car!

Wtf this girl is so annoying. She kept walking. I went behind her. "Aanya stop being a kid and just sit in the car." I said. "I told you I'm not coming with you." She said and kept walking. "Aanya-"

"Bhaiya!" She stopped an autorickshaw and went in it. Is this girl serious? Here I've been waiting for her since so long and she didn't even come with me. Also created that drama out there. Now god knows how many rumors will erupt tomorrow. 

Flashback ends 

"I'm here. Let's go." I looked up to see Aanya. "Don't you think you're too early?" I asked showing her my watch which indicated that our flight will leave in 10 minutes. "Shut up Mr. Singhal. We might miss the flight if we keep talking." She said going in. "All your blessings." I said giving her a forced tight-lipped smile. 

We checked in and boarded the flight. Maybe she didn't sleep last night because she slept as soon as we sat on seats. It was going to be a 3 hour long flight. Soon enough I closed my eyes too.

Hey everyone!

Sorry for such irregular parts. I resumed my story after a long time and getting my grip back is getting a little bit difficult but I'm trying. Most probably today evening I might post another chapter too. Thank you for being understanding. 

Please vote and comment down your views on this chapters. Also feel free to drop suggestions if you have any.

Yours Nyraa.

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