☆ ' Isolated ' ☆

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The room was dark. The sliver walls were covered in rot and mold, which made a gruesome smell.

Husk sat in a chair in the middle of the room, a light shone from above. His wings, arms, and feet were covered, tightened in rope somewhat hurting him.

' ' SO THEN HE WAS LIKE-.. ' ' Valentino ranted, walking wall to wall.

Husk mumbled in annoyance, the mask over the his mouth made it different to speak.

' ' Are you even listening to me? ' ' Val scoffed, aggressively grabbing his face.

' ' You're lucky, You're alive. ' ' Val threw his face, slightly nudging him back.

Husk muffled, his face looking downwards.

' ' Whatcha gotta say, gato? ' ' Valentino ordered a Vox-Tech Guard beside him.

' ' I said.. ' ' Husk mumbled, catching his breath. (Russian Google Translate.) ' ' Ты жалок. Ты ни черта не можешь сделать без своего парня, и ты это знаешь. ' '

Valentino stood there, squinting his eyes completely confused.

' ' I don't care what you said. Tie em back up. ' ' The moth Scoffed.

' ' Киска. ' ' Husk Chuckled, with a massive grin on his face before he was slienced.

' ' You know, I could make money out of 'cha. ' ' Valentino places his hand under Husk's Chin.

Husk immediately pulls back.

Valentino throws a knife, piercing through his wing. Husk whines in pain, which Valentino grabs the cat's ears pulling him closer to his face.

- ' ' That's what happens if you fucking continue, giving me attitude.' ' Valentino smiles, before throwing him across the room. ' ' You'll have no Feathers left. Get him changed. ' ' The moth left the room, with a massive grin of his face.


' ' Here's the plan. We make our way to the Vee's tower, Reach Valentino's studio and find out where Husk is. ' ' Charile announced.

- ' ' How are we gonna get into the tower. Nevermind, getting into the studio. ' ' Angel raised his eye.

' ' That's where you come in. You're obviously a worker there, so they'll just let you in! We'll sneak pass as you distact them. ' ' She replied.


Husk Stood on a raised platform, tied up to a stripper pole. He wore a tight black dress, which only went up to his thighs.

- ' ' This is the worst day, of my entire life. ' ' Husk mumbled.

' ' What was the kitty? ' ' Valentino Teased him.

' ' Иди на хуй. ' ' Husk grinned.

A Muzzle was placed on Husk.

The platforms raised the ceiling and a bright, pink light was shone on them.
Multiple random demons were beside him.


' ' Hiya Sugar-a. Val wants me in for that concert, wants me to learn 'cha know? ' ' Angel Flirtatiously Whispered to the demon at the front desk.

The other slipped quickly by into the hallway.

' ' Thank 'cha. ' ' Angel winked before catching up with the others.

They began walking down the hallway, to see multiple of people entering a massive room.

' ' Alright, come on. ' ' Vaggie Whispered before they all joined the line.

They were all seated, and a bright light shone on a pornstar on the stage.

' ' Alright Where would Husk be? ' ' Vaggie questioned Angel.

' ' I don't know, have a look around Vagina. '' Angel replied.

Charlie pointed to where Husk stood, ' ' He's there! '

' ' He's in a dress? ' ' Angel Flirtatiously said, biting his lip.

Vaggie snapped in front of his face, getting his attention. ' ' Pay Attention. We have to get up there. ' '

Nifty Giggled, ' ' I got this! ' ' She ran up to the stage.

' ' Nifty! ' ' Charlie shouted.

She ran up to the pornstar, swaying back and forth.

' ' Ew.. ' ' The danced Snorted.

Nifty jumped on her and began attacking.  The lights turned off and smoke appeared.

The lights turned back on and Everyone on stage was gone.

' ' SHIT, HES GONE! ' ' Angel Shouted, sniffling.

He'd run his fingers through his hair, stressing.


The door Slammed. Husk was alone in the room again.. but it was different. His claws had been cut. A bullet hole followed through his ear.

And he was crying.

You heard it right.

Husk was crying.


Translations: 1) ' ' You're pathetic. You can't do nothing without your boyfriend, and you know it. ' '
2) ' ' Pussy. ' '
3) ' ' Go fuck yourself. ' '

☆ ▪︎《 ' You're okay, with me. ' 》▪︎ ☆ - HUSKERDUST STORYWhere stories live. Discover now