☆ ' Bang! ' ☆

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Husk's head lay low as Valentino walks in. His Ears raised as the door opened.

He laughs,' ' You look like shit, gato~. ' '

' ' Won't be using them claws anymore. ' ' He'd cut his claws yesterday, which had bled a little.

' ' And.. I'll make sure to aim for the head instead. ' ' Husk growls, twitching his shot ear.

' ' Got someone who actually speaks-.. Whatever you're speaking. ' ' A Vox-Tech worker walks in.

(Russian Google Translate.)' ' Ты меня понимаешь? ' ' The demon asked. (' ' Can you understand me?)

(Italian Google Translate) Husk grins, ' 'Ho paura, posso capirti ma tu non puoi capire me. ' '
(' ' I'm afraid, I can understand you but you cant understand me ' ' )

The demon froze.

' ' What did he say? ' ' Val asked.

' ' He doesn't speak Russian, sir. ' '

Valentino grabs his shoulders aggressively, ' ' HOW MANY LANGUAGES DO YOU KNOW?! ' '

(Japanese Google Translate) ' ' 複数. ' '
( ' ' Multiple. ' ' )

The moth raises the gun at his head, ' ' WHY SHOULDNT I JUST SHOOT YOU, RIGHT NOW?! ' '

(German Google Translate.) ' Du wirst tot sein, wenn sie es herausfinden. ' ' (' ' You'll be dead, once they find out. ' ' )

Valentino Groaned. He'd run his finger across Husk's chin.

' ' You're pretty, you know~. ' ' Val Whispered.

Husk pulls back his head away from his finger.

' ' Get the fuck off me. ' ' The cat growls.

' ' So you do know English? ' ' Valentino Grinned.


Husk sat at the studio, a chain around his neck lingering on Valentino's finger.
He'd cross his arms, looking out into the stage being prepared.

' ' Hiya Val, I'm 'ere-.. ' ' Angel froze when he saw Husk.

Husk ears perked, and a smile formed slightly on his face. Angel took in all of the bruises along Husk's arms.

' ' Get changed then. ' ' Valentino pushed him sightly towards the dressing room.


Angel walked out and sat down on the bed on set.

- ' ' Господи, я умру от смущения. ' ' Husk mumbled. ( ' ' Jesus Christ, I'm going to die of embarrassment. ' ' )

' ' Do you know what the fuck, He's sayin? ' ' Valentino Groaned.

Husk grinned, ' ' Ti amo e mi manchi. ' ' ( ' ' I love you and I miss you. ' ' Italian.)

Angel froze, His face turning slightly red.
He composed himself, ' ' Nope! 'Ave no idea what's he sayin'. ' '

Valentino groans, aggressively grabbing his face.

' ' Speak English, Gato. ' ' He'd throw his face away, placing his attention on Angel.

' ' Don't touch 'Im. ' '

' ' What? ' ' Val Scoffed.

' ' You heard me. ' ' Angel replied.

' ' You Dare speak to me like-.. ' ' Valentino's Hand was stopped by the force of Angel's.

The Spider throws him onto the ground, which Husk falls as well. The chain tightens around his neck.

Valentino Swiftly gets up, Holding a gun to Husk's Stomach. Husk raises his hands, visible to everyone.

' ' Now-.. ' ' Valentino Trys catching his breath, ' ' You're gonna get BACK on set.. And.. ' '

The lights turned off. Everyone froze in Valentino's Position.

Charlie walked in, a red glow around her.

' ' Am I interrupting? ' ' She whispers before throwing Valentino across the room by a swift of her hand.

A gunshot bangs.

' ' Do you think you could get away with hurting my friends? ' ' She'd wrap her hand around his neck, suffocating him.

' ' Y-YOU CANT H-HAVE HIM. ' ' Valentino pleads.

Charlie slams Him into a wall and onto the floor.

' ' Do anything to Angel, It'll be worse. ' '
Charlie smiles.

The room turns back to normal, and everyone's unfrozen.

- ' ' Charlie! ' ' Angeldust hugs her, tightly before placing his attention on Husk.

' ' Feathers? ' '

Husk sat on the floor, staring at his bloody hands.

' ' HUSK?! ' ' Angel shouts out, holding the wound on his side.

' ' No, No, No.. Stay with me. ' ' Angel Began tearing up.

Husk's vision became blurred.

Everything was quiet.

Everything was black.


The heart-rate monitor beeped.

Husk groaned, squinting at the bright light.

He'd sit up slowly, the bandages around his body made it difficult.

He was in a hospital room, With a couple flowers on the cabinets beside him.

Angeldust walked in, His head low. He hadn't noticed Husk woke up.

He Sat down and raised his head.

' ' HUSK! ' ' Angel began tearing up and embraced him.

' ' Ti amo. ' ' Husk Smiled.

' ' I love you too, You loser. ' '


☆ ▪︎《 ' You're okay, with me. ' 》▪︎ ☆ - HUSKERDUST STORYWhere stories live. Discover now