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(Oliver's Pov)

Sitting in my office in hell doing paperwork I sigh and grumble in annoyance running a hand through my dark black hair. I hate going over files of the souls that are damned to see what their hell should entail. Grumbling a little I decide to take a break and check in on the two mates. I immediately teleport to outside the dorm and adjust my suit before I knock on the door. It takes a minute but the door slowly opens revealing the pretty young man around my age that I noticed last time I was here I immediately feeling a little weird but ignore it as he looks at me curiously. "Oliver right? I'm Joochan. What brings you here?" I say simply. "I came to check on the two lovebirds." He gives me a confused expression. "But don't you live with Cato? Surely you've talked to him." I sigh and say with pure frustration coming through. "I've been in hell working for the past few weeks. I haven't even had time to go home let alone talk to Cato." He frowns looking a little sympathetic which surprises me. "Well they aren't here. Cato went into heat and Jangjun hyung had to take him home." I frown a little. "Oh." He seems to study me for a moment before offering kindly. "Do you want to come in? The others aren't here but I'm sure you'd like to maybe rest a bit." I blink at him feeling surprised at his kindness but quickly mask my expression saying simply. "Sure if you don't mind." He smiles kindly down at me and moves out of the way so I can come in I walking into the dorm and look around only to pause when I see a violin sitting on the couch. "Oh sorry I was playing a little." I unconsciously smile. "What's your favorite genre of song to play?" He looks at me curiously but answers. "I love ballads." My smile widens a little. "Me too. I love playing ballads at home. It relaxes me." He tilts his head a little. "You play violin too?" I nod saying softly. "Yeah since I was a small kid. I also play piano." He gives me a bright smile. "Me too! I also play guitar." I look at him saying softly. "I've always wanted to learn guitar but I never have time. I'm either working or doing errands for my parents." He frowns slightly. "Don't you ever get a break?" I shrug. "To sleep and eat occasionally. Maybe once a month I can get a break. It's the consequence of being the king of hells son." He looks at me curiously. "Yeah how come a spell Talon said was specifically to summon the king ended up with you being sent." I raise an eyebrow at him. "Because I'm in line for the throne and I need to start getting used to the duties. So I've been taking on some of my dad's summonings. And usually when a human summons the king they usually just want selfish deals." He slowly nods looking intrigued. "Yeah Jangjun hyung said your dad wouldn't let him give up his soul. Why is that?" My expression softens just slightly. "My dad was abused and manipulated as a kid by people he trusted and had assigned to him so he knows how it feels. My mom saved him as teenagers by vanquishing the demons hurting and manipulating him." He looks a little confused and I explain. "My mom's a witch and my dad's a demon. My mom was very powerful and when she met my dad she saw the good person in him despite him being a demon. Then when she found out about him being abused and manipulated she helped him. They've been together ever since and always taught me that even though I may be a demon I can be a good person too." His expression softens slightly. "That's a very nice motto." I shrug then suddenly my phone starts going off I making a face and pull it out seeing a message from my best friend asking where I'm at and why I'm not in my office I sighing. "I have to go. Work awaits." He seems to look a little disappointed. "Oh. Well it was nice talking to you." I blink then give him a tiny smile. "It was nice talking to you as well Joochan." I go to leave but he says cheerfully. "Maybe we can talk again next time you come by." I stare at him feeling surprised then give a little non committed "maybe." I then disappear and show back up in my office my best friend Tate looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "Where were you? I came to discuss some of the reports with you but you weren't here and were gone forever." I blink checking the time and see that I indeed was gone for about an hour. "Oh. I went to check up on that couple my dad assigned me to watch. But they weren't there so I ended up speaking to one of the guys roommates." He raises an eyebrow at me before smirking. "You like this guy." I blink and frown. "What? No I don't!" He looks at me in amusement. "Oliver you never speak to anyone willingly unless it's business. And I'm pretty sure talking to this guy wasn't business." I shrug keeping a nonchalant look on my face. "Well we had a few things in common when it came to music and everything. And you know I'm a music nerd." He immediately says teasingly. "Was he cute?" I feel my cheeks heat up a little I giving a quick "no" of denial. Tate just bursts out laughing. "Oh my gosh you're blushing!" I glare at him darkly. "Stop laughing it isn't funny asshole!" He chuckles at me in amusement. "Our little Oliver's growing up." I immediately feel annoyed and embarrassed. "Oh screw you. Besides he's human and his souls too pure to be with someone like me." Tate frowns a little. "Oliver it's not like your souls pure black. It's barely a grey color. You're more pure than any of the other demons in hell." I give him a look. "That's just it though I'm still a demon. And he's human. What human will willingly be with a demon who's bound to run hell one day?" Tate gives me a look back. "I say go for it and chase your happiness." I shake my head no. "He probably doesn't even like me." I see Tate about to say something but I immediately cut him off. "I'm done for the day I'm going to go stay with my parents." He looks at me in confusion. "But don't you have your own house?" I say simply. "The roommate I have is in heat and I'm not being an awkward hang around." He nods in understanding and I wish him a goodbye before I teleport to my parents house I instantly heading to the kitchen where I see my mom cooking I giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Hi momma." She smiles at me happily. "Olly! What a pleasant surprise! What brings you home?" I explain softly. "My roommate is in heat and I don't want to be awkward and hang around." She nods in understanding. "Well it's good to have you home. How's your day been?" I shrug. "I met an interesting human. He plays piano and violin too and also likes ballads." She looks at me intrigued. "I've never seen you get along with a human so well before. What was he selling his soul for?" I quickly explain to her. "Oh he wasn't selling his soul or anything. I went to check on that couple dad assigned me and they weren't there but this human was by himself and he was nice enough to offer me to hang around and rest." She nods giving a little "oh" of understanding. "Well what's this humans name?" I unconsciously feel my cheeks heat up. "His name is Joochan." She looks me over before she smiles. "My baby has a crush." I blush bright red and say in denial. "I do not!" She gives me a look. "Don't lie to your mother." I pout and go quiet she looking at me in amusement. "You said it yourself that he's an interesting human and you never think humans are interesting. So this boy must be special." I give a little huff. "Fine he may be kinda cute. But I'm not getting involved." Before she can question me I turn around and head upstairs to my old bedroom where I change into pajamas and climb into bed falling asleep.

Blind love (a Hong Joochan x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now