Ice Skating

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You know that old gacha trend? It got me thinking and here is another oneshot for Aruden cuz music duh. (video link up there, if you haven't seen it)


Aru was beautiful to say the least. Her performance was very unique, with an instrument too. She started learning the violin a few years ago. She was so excited. She wore a simple black dress, and her hair wasn't in a braid and was just left down. But in the middle of it, one of the lights on the ceiling was falling. And Aru was right under it.

I stood there. and I wasn't able to anything.

Her funeral was soon. at her gravestone I place a rose. When I got home my mom had left for her therapist job. And there it was. Aru's violin. How she knew I could play was a mystery, but when i picked it up a few tears ran down my face. I grabbed my skates and left the house once more. 

when I got to the ice rink, I put on the skates and did what i would normally do when I was sad. 


I would come here and soon when Aru figured out I would come here-

I shook my head, skating even faster. I leapt into the air, spinning, and then gracefully landing back onto the ice. I heard music, more specifically from a violin. but I was the only one present near the rink other than the receptionist. I Gasped. 

There she was.


Smiling skating and with her violin. But she was different with angel wings and a halo but that didn't matter. I got to see her one last time. How I knew it would be the last time I'd see her, I don't know but I did get to say one last thing

"I love you"


So how was that?

also that video down there \/

I feel like that'd be Aru talking because didn't you read the way Aru talked to Aleesa, Urmila and those other characters whose stories weren't known.

Any who, that's it for today i think


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