Chapter 1 : The Odd letters and The Truth

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Hermione's POV

I woke up at the sound of tapping in my window.

I am here at the burrow with a sleeping Ginny next to me since my parents are still in Australia and can't remember me beacause of that damn war.

I saw the owl Headmistress McGonagall uses to send special letters to a Hogwarts student.

I opened the window and took the letter then the owl just took off.

Odd I already received my returning Hogwarts letter.

Ms. Granger,

I am pleased to inform you that you are the headgirl for this year. You will be staying at the Room Of Requirements as your dormitory with the headboy. Please be civil with him and located in this letter is your headgirl badge.

Headmistress McGonagall

Well the headboy is a mystery but I gotta inform Harry and Ron.

Draco's POV

I'm dreaming about my own wedding but I can't seem to recognize my bride maybe It's Pansy.

Bloody hell if that happens I'm sure this is a nightmare.

As she was on my side I saw the glimpse of her hair.

A soft curl of brown hair to be exact and she smells so addicting with her vanilla scent.

She reminded me of Hermione cause even before I already liked her but then she was sorted to Gryffindor and then the blood-status and he-who-must-not-be-named happen which was a way that I cannot be with her.

I then woke up from my amazing dream only to find a house elf asking me to go downstairs to talk to my mother.

Since the war was over and I don't think some Slytherin will be coming back to Hogwarts I was thinking of changing and become nice to everyone even the golden trio.

As I decend down the stairs I could see my mother pacing back and forth.

'What's wrong mother, you seem a little bit nervous?'

'Draco, dear.'

Just then an owl came and handed me a letter from Hogwarts but I already received my returning letter.

Mr, Malfoy

I am pleased to inform you that you are the headboy for this year. You will be staying at the Room Of Requirements as your dormitory with the headgirl. Please be civil with her and located in this letter is your headboy badge.

Headmistress McGonagall

'Mother I'm the headboy!'

Mother smiled but then returned to a nervous yet serious expression.

'Son I gotta tell you something, I wish your father was here to say this but son do you know what a veela is?'

'Mother we don't need father and yes I know a little about veelas.'

'Son since your birthday is today, you need to know what is going to happen to you.'

I looked at her confused.

'You're a veela son just like me and your father.'


Just then a sharp pain shot through my whole body.

'You're gonna be okay son.'

That's the last thing I heard from my mother before losing my own consciousness.

Hermione's POV

I didn't tell them but I kept on grinning like a maniac during breakfast while they all gave me weird looks.

I gathered all of three of them in the living room.

'What do you want from us Mione.' Ron

Ron and I did kiss during the war but it didn't meant anything as I was still waiting for the right one and we just got caught up in the moment and we never spoke about it ever again.

'Well Ron as you know Ginny and Harry are the house prefect's but I'm the headgirl.'

'Oh my merlin, Mione that's great.' Ginny

'Who's the headboy Mione.' Harry

'The letter didn't say it but he must be from Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff.'

'Well that's great but we should really buy our stuff later at Diagon Alley.'

Draco's POV

I woke up with a massive body pain inside my own room.

Next to me was my mother sleeping.

I nudged her shoulder to wake me up and tell me more about veelas.

'Son are you alright?'

'I'm fine mother but tell me more about veelas.'

'There are books in the library but I need to tell you that you need to find your mate and mark her but you only have 8 months to do this.'

'What if I don't find her mother?'

'You will suffer from a slowly but painful death while your mate will live and die alone.'

'I will find her mother but first let me pack my clothes before I leave to go back to Hogwarts.'

'Sure son, you may even find your mate at school.'

'And mother ask some house elf to bring the veela books up here.'

'Of course dear' anything that could help you.'

After packing my stuff, the house elves brought me a lot of books about veelas.

I took one book from the pile of books they made and started to read What are veelas and their abilities.

Veelas are almost the same as vampires with their heightened senses and more power for their magical capabilities to help them find their mates.

They can also read or hear the thoughts of their mate.

After kissing the mate for the first time, the veela will feel the pain if someone is hurting them.

To mark their mates they have to get aroused and then their fangs shows up so that they can mark their mates but if only the mate agrees to it but if not the result is the veelas death.

When they get aroused, possesive or angry their eyes turn black.

Veelas only live for their mate, a veela must find their mate before 8 months had passed after the veela's 18th birthday or the veela will die.

Ok that is really scary so I grabbed another book and began reading How to find your mate.

A veela can smell their mate if they are near because the mate's smell can get their veelas a little aroused which can be addictive according to some veelas.

They can also see their mates in glimpses from dreams but they can't recognize their mates.

After reading about 17 books about veelas I began to drift again to sleep.

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