Chapter 12: Families and Holidays

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Draco's POV

As Christmas break is nearly here, Mother has recently bombarded me with letters.

The letters were full of curiosity with how I've been doing, search for my mate and how will I spend my holidays.

I've been piling her letters in my bedside drawer. Hermione found them by accident, even though I wasn't actually trying to hide it from her.

Flashback [This afternoon]

Hermione has been sleeping with me since the bond has been getting stronger. We couldn't get any sleep and that's why I've just woken up from my weekend afternoon nap.

"Babe, wake up. You have some reading to do and I still have some potions essay to do."

She let me go and went under the covers.


"C'mon, I'll get you your book and some snacks."

I came back to our room to see Hermione staring at my Slytherin wall.

"Here's your snack and book."

I placed her snacks on top of the bed side drawer and she kissed me on the cheek as I handed her the book.

I heard her say thank you.

"Your welcome my love."

"I never said thank you?"

She spoke in a groggy voice. Right, I haven't told her about the mind reading thing.

"I know. The kiss was a thank you, right?"


"I'll go do my potions essay now."

I went over to my desk and prepared some parchment.

I was about to start when...

"Draco, I think I left my reading glasses here. Have you seen it?"

"Yeah, I kept it in the bed side drawer."

Letters? From Mrs. Malfoy?

"Draco, what are these?"

I spun around to meet her eyes.

"Those are letters from my mum."

"I've noticed that. Why are there so many letters?"

"I haven't had the time to reply to her and I just don't know what to tell."

"You make time tonight. She must have been worried."

She scan over some letters.

"She's asking about me?"

Shock was written all over her face.

"Yep. Also she would like you to spend Christmas at the manor?"

She was hesitating, I could feel her being afraid.

"It's okay though if you don't want. I know what you went through inside the manor."

"I would love too, but I gotta tell Harry and Ginny since I used to spend my holidays there."

"What if we compromise, we spend Christmas at the manor and the New Years at the Burrow with your parents."

"That is a great idea. I'll head over to the Gryffindor common room now and I'll meet you at the Great Hall after you send your letter."

She got up and went to the bathroom.

I hope Mrs. Malfoy will like me.

"She will love you."

End of Flashback

I read over my letter once again. I hope this would be enough for my mother's curiosity.

Dear Mother,

I'm sorry for not replying early, I just don't know how to tell you who my mate is. all I can say is she's smart, she loves books and that she has a beautiful smile. I would like for you to meet her and her family during Christmas break. She agreed to go but we are going somewhere else for the New Years. I would be delighted if you would like to join us for the New Years after meeting her.

Your Son,


I fed my owl some grains and gave the letter.

I watch it flew away and then I leave the owlery to have dinner at the Great Hall.

Hermione's POV

I approached the portrait of the fat lady and she asked for the password.


I went inside and everybody greeted me. I saw Harry and Ginny studying at the fireplace.

I peered over their shoulder and I see Harry doing his Arithmancy homework while Ginny was working on Potions.

"Need any help guys."

They quickly turn their heads towards me and said my name in unison.

I helped them with their work and told them the reason why I visited to the common room.

"Okay so I have news for you."

"Go on." Ginny said.

"Draco and I agreed to our own plans on where to spend our Christmas break. The plan is that we are going to be at the manor, with my parents, for Christmas and we are going to celebrate the New Years at the Burrow."

"That is a great idea." Harry said interestingly.

"Well I'm hungry, we should leave this place and head for the Great Hall." Ginny said after her stomach growled.

"Yeah and I'm supposed to check if Draco replied to his mother."

We leave the common room laughing at Draco's antics.

Ron's POV

Even though I hate Draco, I won't destroy their holidays. I just hope they won't hear about this news from someone else.

I still have to make them trust me so I could prevent what will happen in the future.

I went out to the common room and head to the Astronomy tower. I shot the signal to the night sky through my wand. At midnight, we will meet in the dungeons.

I quickly leave the tower to remove suspicions. I headed to the Great Hall to have dinner.  Avoiding everyone and eating at the edge of the Gryffindor table. Being alone seems to be my new characteristics.

I have to think of some thing that they will believe.


"I have news for you."

"Make it fast, I don't have time for your cheap antics Weasley."

"Hermione visited the Gryffindor common room today."


"I overheard her talking to my sister."

"Oh just say it."

"Malfoy will be taking her to another country during the Christmas break."

"Well that certainly is interesting. I was hoping that they would stay at the manor. Shame really, I was thinking of her reliving some good memories in the manor. Did she say which country."

"She said that she doesn't know either. Malfoy was planning to surprise her."

"That information was useless. Unless we know what country he is taking her, we can't act on our plans."

"I'm sorry, I just told you what I  heard. I'm just relaying you information."

"Well you're a failure in quidditch and even more in being the enemy. Now get out of my sight."

I surely hoped you would think that. I hope that was a help in delaying the inevitable.



Sorry it took so long guys. Haven't had the imagination flowing in this corrupted brain of mine. Going to be in college soon and I hope I could update with all the free time I have.

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