Chapter 7: The Date

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Draco's POV

I'm ridiculously nervous.

I don't even know how to do this.





I'm here sitting in Potions and Hermione is just beside me.

I found myself staring at those chocolate brown orbs that are absolutely gorgeous.

'Why is Draco staring at me in the middle of the class.'

Even in her thoughts, she still amaze me.

She suddenly faced me and I just nonchalantly smiled at her.

'Is there something on my face? I'll ask later why he's acting like this suddenly.'

She went back to focusing to in everything Professor Slughorn is saying and so did I but before that I caught Ginny sighing in the corner of my eye.

Even though Hermione is absolutely beautiful I wonder why she is always so flustered every time I compliment her.

I keep daydreaming about Hermione in the entire class and suddenly...

'Mr. Malfoy I appreciate your physical presence in my class but I would be delighted if you're mentally present. Care to share your thoughts to the whole class.

I stood up and and everyone is anticipating my speech.

'I would be delighted to Professor, I was thinking of how my date with Hermione will go these afternoon.'

'Very well, you may seat down and please kept those thoughts for later and pay attention in class.'

Everyone kept hollering around us and Hermione was blushing hard.

'Enough everyone, pay attention to professor now.'

I spoke loudly so professor can continue and for Hermione to stop being so cute.

Ginny's POV

Since I was so bored in potions I looked around the class with Slytherins and it was just a usual potions class but I caught sight of Draco in deep thought. After thinking he eyed Hermione with love in his eyes. Professor Slughorn noticed it and made Draco talk in class.

'I would be delighted to Professor, I was thinking of how my date with Hermione will go this afternoon.'

Oh that's right today is the day of their first date. That's why he is in deep thought before. I think HE DOESN'T HAVE ANYTHING PREPARED FOR HERMIONE. I'll talk to him after class.

Draco's POV

I was fixing my things when Ginny called up to me.

'I assume you haven't have anything prepared yet Draco.' Ginny said eyeing me curiously.

I shook my head as a sign for no.

Ginny sighed.

'I'm gonna prepare something but you have to be in the room of requirements at 8 sharp.'

'Sure Ginny.'

Ginny's POV

Too much stress. I'm already helping Draco to plan his date then I'm gonna doll up Hermione after. I'm so gonna make them do all my assignments for a week.

Since I'm here in the room of requirements with Harry helping or him mostly doing the work while I instruct him. I feel bad for him but his the chosen one anyway.

'To the left Harry. Yup, right there. Love you, now go pick up the blankets.'

'Love you too Ginny.' He happily replied while getting the blankets.

Hermione's POV

I'm quite nervous and excited for what Draco has planned for us.

"Mione you're boyfriend is getting restless, get down here already." Well that's my cue to show up.

I saw Draco looking a bit in pain when I showed up but he looks great nonetheless.

"You're very beautiful tonight Ms. Granger as always."He said when I was right in front of him.

"You look rather dashing too Mr. Malfoy." I replied and we look both at each other with a smile.

"Hate to break it to you lovebirds, stop staring at each other and get on with it already." Ginny said making both of us a bit red on the on the cheeks and avoid each others gazes.

"Let's go my lady." Draco offered his hand to me and I gladly took it.

He led me to the Room of Requirements which was designed to look like a muggle living room.

We both sat down on the couch where a pizza box was laying at a side table.

"I don't know how to this." Draco admitted looking down on the floor while playing with my hand in his.

"So the great Draco Malfoy haven't been on dates?" I asked teasingly.

"I haven't really." He said slightly confused that I asked.

"But you've been with many girls?" I asked in disbelief.

"Actually that's just rumors I'm still uhhh you know uhh virgin." Draco mumbling the last part but I heard without a doubt.

"Your still a virgin! What uhh how? You're like the sex god here in Hogwarts, how come you're still a virgin?" I asked not noticing Draco's discomfort.

"I just wanted you to be my first everything." That was so sweet of Draco unfortunately I already had my first kiss and it was very sloppy. I wish I saved it for Draco but it was wasted to Victor Krum.

Draco's POV

I heard everything. She had it with Victor Krum.

I faced Hermione and kiss the living daylights out of her. When we both pull back, we were chasing our breath.

"Now we have our own first kiss." She went wide eyed trying to figure out why I can read her mind.

"C'mon Hermione the food and the black screen with short stories as what Ginny calls them are waiting." I said making her pull back from a trance.

"I think its called movies Draco." I walked up to him and snake my arms around his waist.


A\N: Need your help guys.

What will you say if you were held against your will and that someone pinning you is planning to rape you. 

P.S. Your answer may be seen in a new chapter.

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