Chapter 11: Anonymous

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Hermione's POV

Everything was going great in Hogwarts. There was no mystery to solve, no problems arising from the past.

Today I'm at the quidditch pitch watching the Slytherins practicing.

Today is also the first day I went to the quidditch pitch just to see a house practice. Not even Harry or Ron could make me watch this boring practice. Unfortunately, I can't seem to deny every request Draco seems to ask me.

I look up to the pitch and look at Draco. I see him instructing the whole slytherin team and the sun glistening at his pale skin. He looked like an angel. Speaking of Draco, we haven't talked about the marking thing.

Draco's POV

"Nott block the quaffle and Blaise continue confusing the other chasers that is a good strategy. "

I try flying drills at the pitch to increase my speed. It was nice to see my mate in the stands. I can feel her looking at me.

He looked like an angel.
Blushed at the thought but she's the one who looked like an angel just sitting there.

Speaking of Draco, we haven't talked about the marking thing.
That made me stop flying.

"Practice is over. " I yelled at the slytherin team and as soon as they were out of the pitch I flew towards Hermione.

Why did they stop? It's still too early for them to dismiss their practice.

Before I tell Hermione about the marking she should know I could read her mind.

"Hey love, don't you wanna know about my kind? "

I shouted while advancing to her place on the stands.

I do but I've read all the books in Hogwarts, there are only 6 books in total and it doesn't say much about veelas.

"I do, but I don't want to pressure you from telling me anything. " Hermione said shyly. How cute but as a mate I shouldn't tell secrets. I slowly got closer.

"Well I'll answer every question you have and in every question I demand a kiss. " I say smirking.

That doesn't sound bad. How about I try it now.

I don't know if it's just me or did my smirk grew wider as I thought of an idea .

"Okay. " She  took a step closer to the edge of the stands and suddenly kissed me. I lower my broom and grab her waist. I hoisted her up the broom and flew higher in the middle of the pitch.

"Draco, I could have gotten hurt."

"But you weren't and if you did, I'm gonna go on veela mode just to save you." She blushed at my words.

"Let me ask my question now?" She ask me excitedly and I just laugh.

"Okay, you can ask now."

"How did you know it was me, your mate I mean?"

"Well you have this addicting vanilla scent all over you. It either makes me calm or aroused, or sometimes it does both at the same time. " I tell her which absolutely made her blush.

Then I took her for a surprise. I flew up above the clouds.


"Sorry my love, but you gotta see this."

I continue to fly upward.

"We're here, open your eyes. I promise, this could make you love flying."

I will hex you Draco if its not worth it.

"Wow!"  Maybe I won't hex him, but I did love the view.

"So, you like it?" I ask pretending to be nervous.

"No. I love it here. The view looks lovely."

I stare at her with so much love, I don't know what I would do if something happens to her. From this day onward, I vow to protect my mate.

"What a beautiful place you showed me Draco."

"Yes, its beautiful." 

I think Draco is staring at me again. I better tell him to stop.

"You're so beautiful."

I whisper to her ear which made her turn around quickly. Then I kissed her with so much passion.

Hermione's POV

We pulled apart because of air. I blush while he just smiles nonchalantly and started to lower his broom back to pitch.

When my feet felt the earth, I quickly jump down from his broom.

"Finally." He chuckles.

"Are you really relieved that you're down here."

No, I want to be carefree and just feel peace, like the up in the skies with you.

"Yes, I could die from up there you know."

"Yes I know. Now why don't we continue this conversation while walking back to our common room? "

"Okay. " She said avoiding my gaze.

"I'm gonna change first. Stay here, alright."

I watch him flew away from me and into the locker rooms. 

I don't know what the future holds but I wish to be with him forever. I just hope that there won't be another war.

Anonymous POV

"Weasley, what a lovely surprise to see you here. What is a lion doing in a snakes den?"

"I just wanna tell you that I want to quit in whatever your plans are."

"And why is that?"

"That's none of your business, your just a snake and it won't succeed anyway."

"Oh it will, Weasley. Just watch."

"You should stop before it's too late."

"Why would I stop? I haven't even started to torture the mudblood?"

"If you hurt Hermione, I will make sure your locked up in Azkaban."

"I'm surprised you still have a lot of nerve in you to still be threatening me Weasley. After that show your sister made for you, I was laughing like a maniac."

"Look I don't want to be apart of this scheme anymore, I've done enough damage as it is. You better stay away from her."

Ron then slowly walked away from the dungeons, away from me.

"I don't need you anyway, I have a lot more in store for the couple of the year."


I'm sorry that it took a while to update and the error that wattpad has caused for you to see the draft. I'm not gonna promise anything but I will try to update as soon as I got inspiration (I only have it during exams) and a free time.

Also thanks for the votes, especially the comments. I love them, they remind me that I have a book to finish.

Love you guys..

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