Ch.5 New School, New Girl pt.2

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Looking at the clock on the wall, I notice it is now 11:27a.m.  Lunch is in three mins, and I'm a little nervous cause I'll actually see approximately how many kids go here. We all have one lunch to try and reduce skipping. The bell goes off for lunch and as I'm getting up to leave with Mckaila, she invites me to sit with her at lunch and of course I agree being as I'm new to the school in the middle of September.

We arrive to the cafeteria and I immediately try to spot my sisters. I see Evie, she's sitting with Tyler and a few other kids. I then look around some more while I'm waiting in line with Mckaila and then I spot Amber. She's sitting further in towards the back by these enormous windows. She sitting with with a group of people already , it is so easy for her to make friends, that's one thing I have always envied about her. But then again it might be easy for her because she's a bit ditsy, your basic blonde, but I would never admit that to her. 

"Are you finished?" Mckaila asks, snapping me out from my thoughts. I look at her and give a nod. We're walking down the aisle looking for a place to sit when Mckaila speaks, "I need to confess something.. I don't really have friends." I smile at her, " That's okay, it's not easy for me to make friends, so I'm thankful for you helping me around today.. This is a beginning of a good friendship!"

I look toward Amber in hopes of sitting with her and as soon as we make eye contact, she squenches her eyes with a small shake of her head meaning don't go near her. I would try and sit with Evie but I honestly don't want to sit with underclassmen. We make our way outside and as I'm opening the door with my butt since my hands are full, I hear "Watchhhh how you swing the door!" I turn to look, immediately saying sorry, as I look up it is Emiley standing there with a stern look until she realizes it is me.

"Oh HEYY ! I was wondering if I was going to see you today! We didn't swap numbers before you left the other day." She goes to take her phone out her pocket then stops, "Hey why don't you come sit with us today? Unless you already have somewhere else to sit," she says with a smirk. Why is she smirking like that? "No no, that is fine, of course we would sit with you, this is Mckaila by the way, she's guiding me through my classes today and now is my friend." Mckaila and I make our way over to the bleachers following Emiley. We make it over to a spot that has some crystals around that look sort of smudged into the ground. We then take a seat and start eating.

"Emstersssss they had your favorite bag of chips!! And I got the last vanilla yogurt!!" I hear from an unfamiliar voice, I turn to look an see its the same dirty blonde girl I saw this morning in the hallway, I quickly look away. Em raises her eyebrows looking from me to the girl then back to me, and then smirks. "Well thank you for the chips Jordo, this is Kassey Bryan, she is new here and this is her friend, Mckaila." she signals towards me and Mckaila.

"Hey guys, what's up, I'm Jordan Backstier, nice to 'meetcha" she smiles with her dimples showing. Oh gosh those dimples, I could just stare at them all day. Mckaila clears her throat next to me, "Uh yeah, you can just call me Kass, I moved here from Utah.. You'll probably see my sisters around too." I say awkwardly. Mckaila giggles, "Im Mckaila, but you can call me Mack, Kass and I have honors together so I'm just showing her around." We then continue eating our lunch and chatting until we hear the bell ring for 4th period.


4th period was pretty simple, that class was my Literature class, I am now headed to the last class of the day which is unfortunately science. As I'm walking into class, Mack takes a seat in the front when I notice a dimple that is too hard to miss, Jordan smirks then does a nod to come over. I give Mack a simple smile and mouth "sorry" as she turn and watches me sit next to Jordan. She raises an eyebrow in question and shakes her head as she turns to face the front.

"You're the girl from this morning.. How do you know Emiley?" she asks. "Em is actually my neighbor and my family met hers the other day." Jordan twirls a piece of my hair then I feel her presence a bit closer when I can almost feel her lips by my ear when she whispers ,"I saw you checking me out this morning," she leans back in her chair with a big grin on her face. I scoff, "I don't have any idea of what you are even talking about." I quickly face the front towards the teacher.


The bell finally rings releasing us to go home, I'm heading to the door with Mack when I hear, "KASSEY BRYAN!!". I stop and turn when I see Jordan jogging to catch up with us. "Hey Mckaila right?" she smiles then quickly turns to me, "Kass, I was wondering if by any chance I could get your number..?" she pauses nervously. Jordan nervous? nervous for what? She continues, "for uh when I need assistance in science."  She says a bit more confidently.

"Sure, I don't mind assisting if you need the help, I love school," I swap phones with Jordan and swap numbers with her. "Cool, cool, thanks love," she then rushes off to catch up with Emiley. 

"What was that all about?" Mack raises an eyebrow, "Oh nothing, I have no idea.." "Yeah if you say so, that was weird if you ask me," she says afterward as we're walking to the cars and I see my moms car. "See you tomorrow?" I say with a smile, "Yes of course, see you tomorrow, here' my number, thank you for becoming my friend." She hands me a piece of folded paper before I get into moms car.


We're almost home and I'm so ready to get out of this car, gosh Amber would not stop talking about her and her new friends/clique. Evie's next to me on the phone with I don't know who, just to much going on and I'm ready to be alone in my room.

As we're pulling onto the driveway I see a car by Em's house. I hear my phone ding and I look down to see a text that reads : Am I seeing you tonight? xoJxo.  I smile and look out the window. When my mom clears her throat "Uhem, what are you smiling at Kass?" she insists. "Just a meme Mckaila, my new friend I made, sent me, she's the redhead from this morning you saw."

"That is very lovely, I'm happy you're making friends !" she says as were pulling into the driveway. I wake ZJ up since he had fallen asleep in his carseat. I also grab Amb's backpack as she usually leaves it in the car because she never does homework. We make our way inside when I see my dad preparing dinner, he's got a lot of veggies minced and something cooking on the stove that smells delicious.


As we finish dinner I make my way upstairs as I hear tap sounds on my window.. I go to the window to see a familiar dirty blonde, with a dimpled grin on her face  standing on the grass with pebbles in her hand. Oh goodness, this can either go a good way, or get caught and it go a bad way....


Not sure if I want to write each chapter as like every day of her life ya know? not sure but just going with whatever floats out right now. dont be afraid to criticize or comment questions or even make suggestions, open to all. ~Brit

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