Ch.10 Picnic pt.2

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--Let's switch things up a little..--


Jordan's P.O.V.

I had Ryan come and set up a picnic at the lake for me while I was meeting Kassey's family. I think I'm actually crushing on her.. Me? Man who would've thought 'ya know? But she is different, in a good way especially. She's so beautiful with a cute nerd look to her as well. She's got some gorgeous blue eyes with this cute plump lips, but my favorite things is her long curly hair. She's also a tad shorter than me which of course I find cute. I'm really trying to be calm and cool around her but she makes me nervous, she's nothing like the other girls at school, I don't know, all I've ever messed around with were straight girls after I got my heartbroken. She gives me different vibes, but I don't if they're mixed signals... ugh I need to just get out of my head..

I just finished meeting her family, I was a little nervous because usually I meet the family after we're serious, but I'm starting to get the sense her family is a little different then the ones around here. I open her door to allow her to get in, she gives a smile and then looks down and blushes, gosh she's adorable. She has no idea where I'm taking her, I'm just hoping she likes it.


We arrive to the lake, I get out and open her door for her as I tell her "cover your eyes," I then guide her in front of me with my hands on her eyes and once we make our way over to the spot, I remove my hands and tell her to open her eyes. She looks around with this big smile on her face, as her eyes meet mine she blushes a little and says "This is beautiful, I'm very thankful," she then sit down as I take a seat next to her. Here goes nothing..

"I'm happy you like it, I wanted to make the day up to you, love. I don't want you to think I'm just flirting with you or messing around but I genuinely find you oh so intriguing, something about you is just different than other people I ever even talked to even the one who broke my heart, like  I honestly think you're way out of my league and I hope maybe we can become closer to one another even if it's as friends..."  Whew.. what a relief to get that off of my chest. Now the nerves are out of control and my heart is racing.


Kassey's P.O.V.

After enjoying the air for a few moments, Jordan breaks the silence. "I'm happy you like it, I wanted to make the day up to you, love. I don't want you to think I'm just flirting with you or messing around but I genuinely find you oh so intriguing, something about you is just different than other people I ever even talked to even the one who broke my heart, like I honestly think you're way out of my league and I hope maybe we can become closer to one another even if it's as friends..." she then lets out a breath, I see her tapping her middle finger on her right leg, she seems nervous, is she nervous?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bombard you with all that, I shoul---" 

I interrupt her, "No no, that is actually very thoughtful of you, and well actually I have never talked to or dated a girl before.. So this is all new for me, and I don't think I'm out of you're league, I thought quite the opposite, ha ha, but I would love to get to know you more and become closer." I smile and look away as I feel my cheeks getting redder. She turns me to look at her, "I find you beautiful, all in all, especially when you're blushy." Now my cheeks are getting redder as I'm looking into her eyes. This all feels like a dream. The sun is starting to set which makes this evening even much greater.

"The sky is so beautiful, as cliche as it sounds, it's not as beautiful as you, love."

"Yeah , I bet, hard to believe," I say. "Stick around with me, you'll believe it soon enough ."

We wrap things up and then we pick everything up and place it all in her trunk, and she opens my door for me again and I thank her, my she is very lovely. I roll my window down as I place my head back.


It is now about 7:30 when we finally arrive home as I get closer to the door, Jordan yanks my arm around and spins me to her, then gives me a kiss on the cheek, "Goooooood night, Kasssssssey." She then giggles as she gets back into her car.

I close the front door as I can hear quickly moving feet in the living room to see Amber "watching tv" as if she wasn't just spying... As I walk by I hear a "Mmm" and I just carry on to the kitchen where my mom had just cooked enchiladas for dinner and my dad reading newspaper at the table. "Yummmm, it smells so delicious in here!"

"Oh Kass, you're home so soon! Where's your friend dear? We were thinking about having her over for dinner tonight.." My dad states as he peeks up from the newspaper before continuing to read.

"You're thinking about having Jordan over for dinner?" I replied shocked.

"Well yeah sweetheart, that is what your father just said silly," my mom chimes in.

"Oh she had just left---," my dad cuts me off, "Well if she just dropped you off, she shouldn't be too far away, call her up and see if she'd like to stay for dinner." He says while motioning with his hands for my to grab my phone.

"Uh yeah sure, I'll call her, but hey since we're inviting my friend, I'll see if Emiley wants to join as well seeing as that is Jordan's best friend !" I chip as I quickly open a message with Em saying, "Emergency!! Parents want Jordan to stay for dinner and IM NERVOUS, Plz come join!" 

"Ugh hmm," i hear my dad clear his throat while looking at me, I nod, " Oh right," I then dial Jordan, while I nervously tap my foot as it's ringing, she picks up after the second ring, "Well hello sunshine, miss me already?" I can definitely hear she's grinning. "Heyy, sooo my father was suggesting if you're not too far, that you could possibly come back and have dinner with us, Em will also be joining us."

"Of course sweets, I definitely don't mind, even if I had gotten all the way home, I would come to spend any time with you," she says so sweetly, whew focus, trying not to blush, I reply, "Great! I'll see you shortly." I nod at my dad as he goes back to reading his newspaper.

"Kisses, babe, see you soon" she makes a kissy noise after saying.

"OOOOOOHHHH since Emiley is coming, I'll see about Tyler coming along!!!!" Evie suggests with the biggest grin as Amber is smirkly chimes in, "Oh yeah Ryan is Jordan's stepbrother, maybe he can join also," she looks at me with a nod and eyebrow raised. "Oh yeah Dad, might as well invite all our friends on this nice Friday evening, hey I can go an extra mile and invite Mack over, mom met her my first day of school, she was my tour guide and now my Best Friend..."

"Dear? What do you suppose?" He then folds the newspaper at this point as he asks my mom.

"Oh honey, I'm thrilled the kids are making friends and fitting in quite well. The more the merrier, but prepare yourself now cause this is not just your three teen girls, you're now will be having now eight teens all at the same table." Mom says with a smile as she starts to grab the dinner plates.

"Well I suppose, might as well get it over with and meet all the friends besides the neighbors, if they may be coming over often in the future, I'll retrieve the table extension from the garage, girls start getting the table items, make a pitcher of tea and one of water, and help your mom with setting the table." Dad firmly says. 

The girls squeal as they quickly texting away on their phones, and I make a group chat of Jordan, mack and I, asking her to pick Mack up on the way if she doesn't mind with "Group Dinner" emphasized, before we eat start a task with helping our mother.


Ughhh, Apologies for being so late with posting this chapter, I guess since barely anyone is reading I havent really posted one everyday, but for my better sake, i'm going to try because i actually enjoy writing this, it's an escape from reality right now.... If any suggestions or criques, comment, i dont mind.


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