Ch.4 New School, New Girl pt.1

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Kassey's P.O.V.

My alarm goes off, I take my eye mask off and sit up in my bed, I can hear Amber grunting, huffing and puffing, I can also hear her walking back and forth in her room, so I'm assuming she does not know what she wants to wear.. I get up and head to the bathroom, to turn the shower on, as I'm waiting for the hot water to run, I grab me a towel, my skincare and my shower caddy. I then proceed with my shower as I hear my mom yelling "You all have 45 mins left to get ready!!"

I have now finished with the shower, brushing my teeth and putting my skincare on, I have put my hair products in so it's a tight curls style, top half braided with two space buns, I usually have to spray my hair wet with water and conditioner then use the products so my hair is somewhat decent for school.. 

So, TODAY is the day!! To make sure today's a great day, I put "I am Woman" by Emmy Meli onto my speakers as I am putting on my outfit with 30 mins to spare. I'm wearing just something casual, I have my overalls on with my checkered red vans and my cropped "I recycle Men" shirt on. . 

I head downstairs into the kitchen and pop some toast into the toaster as my mom and ZJ are the only ones down.. ZJ is in the living room watching cartoons while eating waffles and my mom is sitting at the table as she is reading her morning paper. I grab my toast and add avocado on to it as I place two more slices in the toaster.. "How many toast are you eating this morning?" my mom asks, "Oh just these two, I put one for Ambs and Evie, you know they're not going to be ready until right before we leave..." Mom looks at me and nods her head as we both chuckle a bit.. Mom then yells "GIRLS YOU'VE GOT 15 MINS," all you can hear is feet scurrying across the floor in a fast motion, as they're trying to rush to finish.. I honestly have no clue why it takes them this long, but I start gathering my school items and I head to put ZJ and I's backpack in the car with setting mine in the front seat.

"LET'S GO AND I WONT TELL Y'ALL AGAIN" I hear my mom yelling as I'm helping ZJ into his carseat. "Mom I've got shotgun!' I yell as  I see my mom walking to the car. Seven mins pass by and now we're sitting in the car with ZJ starting to get fussy as my mom honks the car and you see both Ambs and Evie running, and I mean literally running to the car and getting in with their toast in their mouth. "About time," I mumbled as mom is pulling out the driveway..


We drop ZJ off first and am now pulling up to the school, I hear Ambs squeal in her back seat then start typing away.. I let out a grunt and my mom says "Hey... I know today is your first day and that you're nervous, but know I believe in you," I smile and then give her a tight hug. We all get out the vehicle and finally make our way to the office of the school as I am so nervous. She goes into the office, as us three girls are sitting in the waiting chairs. About 15 mins pass by and mom is now walking out the office with a lady.. "Hello girls, I am Miss Soyer, I am the girls Counselor, so if you need anything just let me know, we usually give everyone a week to see if they're okay with the classes they have.. If you need anything changed just request time in my office and we can discuss, other than that it will be final at the end of the day friday.." the lady next to my mom says, she's in this yellow pencil skirt with a white under shirt on, a green and yellow plaid sweater on top, and some white heels. 

"Yes maam, understood," I say as I grab the papers from her, I hand both my sisters their schedule as we hear someone walking up. I turn to look and it's a young girl with this pretty natural reddish hair that is in two french braids. They reach to right about under her chest, she has two pencil clips on each side of her hair at the top, with thin bangs. She's wearing a long flowery designed ruffly skirt with a pair of stockings under and some black  bowed slip ons. She has a short white sleeved kinda tight crop top on with a colorful sweater vest on top that has "Kindness Matters" on it.

"Kassey, this is Mckaila Melnorsae, she will be your guide to all your honor classes today being as you both have all the same classes, just shadow her the entire day." Miss Soyer states. "Now you two can go on and head to class, only missed about first 27 minutes ladies.." I nod and give mom a hug before walking off with Mckaila. I let out a sigh as Mckaila nervously pushes her round glasses up and speaks, "Hello, it is so lovely to meet you, I am and have been on the Principals list since my freshman year, and have been on honor roll, I hope to be able to guide you or give any good advice to my best ability." She then places her hand in front her motioning for a hand shake.

I shake her hand, "That's a relief to hear, I'm the only one out of my siblings thats is focused on school, I've also been in Honors since 7th grade. So it is nice meeting other school oriented teens," I respond as we're passing some kids down the hall and I hear a fake cough and mumbled "Nerds". I turn my head to see a girl chuckling with her dimple showing on the side, I can also see her slit in her left eyebrow.. I quickly give a swipe up and down of her appearance. she's got shoulder length dirty blonde hair, a navy blue t-shirt that looks a bit big on her. A pair of blue jeans on that are rolled up to her ankle with a pair of white Nike air force on. She had black nail polish on her nails and this butterfly tattoo on her right arm. I think I must've been staring because I felt Mckaila nudge my left arm and a soft "uhum" come from her, I then turn to look at her and she's looking at me wide eyed so I look back the other way and the dirty blonde girl is now smirking at me while leaning across the lockers. She has this sarcastic smirk where you can see the dimple and I quickly look down, pushing my hair behind my ears and focusing on Mckaila.

"SOOO uh that was weird," I say as we're rounding the corner. "Sure I'd say, you were a little blushy if you'd ask me girl," Mckaila says as we're approaching a door. She then knocks on the door and straightens out her skirt as we are waiting for the door to open...

To Be Continued....


These chapters still say 2014 cause thats when I first had written them, but because  I was like 14, I am now editing and have changed a few things.. I am now moving forward and will actually try to post a chapter or two a day... I'm hoping to have each chapter with 1000 or more words in them.. let me know what you guys think !! - Brit

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