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Walking down to the University Center, also nicknamed the UC, I stopped by my favorite haunt as I stepped inside the campus's pizzeria. The school had loaned the spare site to the corporation, and the pizzeria had made a fortune off the hungry mouths of its students.

I ordered my favorite: a Hawaiian with Canadian bacon and pineapple. Ordering my usual, a small personal pan sized pizza was soon delivered to my table! I smiled and looked at the delicious food presented before me. The sweet scent of pineapple was delightful as I picked off the sweet fruit and placed it in my mouth. I then picked up a slice of pizza and took a bite and immediately spat it out.

It was one of the worst tasting pizzas I have ever had! I pushed the pizza away, sick to my stomach. I washed the taste away with a sip of root beer and also spat that fluid out as the carbonation burned my throat.

Everything, except the pineapple, was intolerable as I held my sick stomach as I was certain that I was down with the flu. Disappointed, I was still hungry, but not for pizza or soda.

I rise and place my white napkin over the plate and dismiss myself, leaving a whole pizza behind as I don't know what was wrong with me. I walked across campus to the Student Health building as I had enough! I checked myself in as the nurse saw me and handed me a clipboard to sign myself in.

Taken back, the doctor sat down as he looked at my records: there was nothing that seemed out of the ordinary that might have caused the illness.

"Mister Amiri? Did I say that right?" he asks as I nod. "What brings you in today?"

"I think I am coming down with the stomach flu." I stated as the elderly doctor looked at me from behind his thick-rimmed specs, curious. He glances at my records once again and sees that this was my first time in this clinic.

"Oh?" he asks as I apparently looked fine.

"I am unable to eat anything without feeling like I am about to vomit!" I said as the doctor cannot treat what he cannot see and touch.

"Do you want a medical note to dismiss yourself from class?" he asks, being quite condescending.

"No!" I desperately say. "I want this sickness to go away! I have important research to conduct and I cannot feel like shit every thirty minutes! Sir!" I growled, knowing that the doctor was judging me, and not really hiding it!

"No need to act all testy, young man!" the doctor states, rolling his eyes "You will not believe just how many students I see before dead-week asking for a doctor's note excusing them from their tests so that they can have more time to study!"

"I am not one of those people, doctor." I calmly said "I am a research assistant and a teacher assistant for the marine biology department! So, please watch your tone with me!" He reluctantly nods his head, making me serious, finally.

"Any idea when you first noticed any symptoms?"

"Yesterday, after accidentally inhaling ammonic fluid on the beach..." I say, probably not wise on my part as I think about what just came out of my mouth and know it to be weird.

"Come again?" the doctor asks, not certain if he heard right.

"I am a student in the Marine Biotechnology Department, we found something unique on the beach and I fell into a pool of thick fluid and breathed it in." as the scent was still faint, but still there.

"Any idea what it was?" I ask, curious, having heard about the discovery on the beach.

"Not a clue!" I say, disappointed.

"Well, I can write you a prescription for antibiotics and if it gets worse, return back here." he states as I nod, seeing no help here. With the script in hand, I jumped onto the bus and went across town.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 6 - The Mermaid's Egg (TG/TF Story)Where stories live. Discover now