The Mermaid's Cove

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I certainly was emotionally distraught from the day's events! First my crush, Joshua; and now my best friend, Poe! I had come to The Cove for seclusion and resolve -- I have heard that drowning only hurts for a few minutes, and then it is all over.

However, I did not expect someone to be wading in my cove as I sat here in the muck, watching the most peculiar girl who seemed to be taking an interest in me as she was wading closer.

I cannot blame her for being here, this was after all a public beach. It was a great place if you want to be alone and not seen by prying human eyes. I just felt like this was my own personal beach as I was torn between telling her to go away and to stay. I tried to find a way to break the ice, stuttering.

"N—ice hair. I—I like your color." I remark as hers was much darker than mine; except her hair was laced with seaweed and bound back with a piece of kelp fashioned into a cord. Maybe I should try that as I heard seaweed is good for hair.

She then opened her mouth, spitting out seawater as I thought that odd, she then spoke to me in a dialect that I could not place.

"Go raibh maith agat." she replied.

"Sorry. But I do not understand." I answered, slightly cocking my head to one side. She seemed to realize the situation, forcing herself to speak English.

"Thanks." she replied again. The fear in her eyes was apparent as she hid her body in the water, watching me like a hawk.

"What are you doing out there?!" I asked, not wanting to be rude, but wanting her to know that she wasn't welcome here.


"Isn't it a little too cold to be swimming?" I asked, noticing that she wasn't wearing any wetsuit.

"Feels fine to me." she pushes slowly away every time I wiggle closer to the edge of the water "Could you please stay away, duine!" she demanded, not annoyed, but scared.

I felt a little shunned by her words, puzzled but her lack of trust. I just nodded, crab walking backwards, keeping my eyes on the wild girl with an imposing aura. Her head sunk an inch towards the salty water as I wanted to know what she was hiding under that murky water...was she swimming nude!?

"Please do not hurt me, duine! You are a Surface Dweller, and Surface Dwellers are violent and savage creatures." I did not know what to think. Her remarks only made me chuckle as I shook my head.

"No." She seemed the same age as me, so the very thought of me hurting her seemed absurd! "Why would you think that? Are you in trouble, miss?"

"My mom says that Surface Dwellers are dangerous! It is forbidden to talk to the Surface Dwellers. I am breaking the law by talking to you. Asking you to leave this place. Leave me alone!"

I was confused. Why does she keep saying 'Surface Dwellers'?

The whole statement sounded so unusual that I was confident that the girl was indeed hiding something. I shifted to my knees, causing the girl to push off the rocks and into deeper water. I promptly asked her.

"What do you mean that you cannot talk to surface dwellers? We 'are' talking!" I replied "And besides, I am not called a surface dweller--"

"Because you are different." she quickly said.

Her eyes seemed to change right in front of me, the blue-black pupil turning into a vertical slant before returning back to its traditional circle shape. She then whispered back to me, searching the shoreline.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 6 - The Mermaid's Egg (TG/TF Story)Where stories live. Discover now