Between The Land And The Sea

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After my birthday swim with Myra under the ocean, my life seemed to be entangled with the mysteries of the ocean. I now looked forward to every new day, knowing that she would be there waiting for me at the Cove.

I just finished my long day of studying at North Bay, hopping onto the city bus and traveling towards the state park to where I had dreamt all day about Myra.

I hated to admit it, but I was becoming romantically attached to Myra and knew that I was going to have to let her go one day. She was a mermaid, and I was a human. Our two worlds should have never met, but I would never dismiss the experiences that she had shared with me.

Because of her, I now had a reason to live and be happy. But it came with a few life-altering changes! I stopped by the IGA and bought two salmon fillets before traveling the rest of the way to the Cove.

These days, I now only eat seafood, which had greatly confused my mother as I was her beef eater. However, after my birthday swim, I now cannot stomach the taste of beef, pork, or even bird any longer!

When I dreamed at night, it was now about swimming with her under the ocean. Being underwater was like being in the was life! I was blessed to have the honor to know a mermaid like Myra, but also felt awkward all at the same time.

The bus was empty as it arrived at the gates of the closed state park as I got off and walked down the gravel drive alone and made a sharp right turn to head to the closed off cove. Scaling the rocks, I see Myra waiting for me in the ocean. I sat down on my favorite rock as my mind was still swirling with those sad thoughts.

With my growing love for Myra, it only reminded me of my love for Joshua...and we all know how that went. I sometimes found myself crying when I returned home from school, making my mom concerned that my late evening strolls down the beach were having a negative impact on my life.

Myra gently takes my hand in her own webbed hand, comforting me as she sat beside me in the shallows.

"I do not have to be a mermaid to know that you're in pain. I just noticed that you have been feeling sad whenever we talk." she said as I glanced down at her. "What is it, my darling?"

"I'm fine!" I tried to put on a brave face, but she wasn't buying it. I then admitted my faults, asking her "H—how did you know?"

"I told you; I can sense the emotions of sea creatures." as she placed her clammy webbed hands on-top of my own warm hands. "Please, talk to me...maybe I can help you heal!"

I padded my feet as the thought of Joshua's sweet curls came back to stab me right in the heart. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I was embarrassed.

 "It's nothing...I just thought this guy liked me...he certainly played me like a fiddle!"

"Fiddle?" she tilted her head, wondering if it meant anything important. "What is a fiddle?"

"Just a person that I liked, but he did not like me."

Myra then hissed, her tail flickering like an angry cat's tail. Just for a moment, I had thought I'd done some sort of mermaid taboo and had offended her. Then, she leapt onto my lap and wrapped her arms around me and hugged me, something that was universal.

"What are you...?" I asked as I tried to keep myself from being dragged into the ocean.

"'s alright!" she whispered. "It is tradition that if someone has a broken heart, we should show them love and be there for them. But then again, that is what we mermaids do for one another."

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