The Cascadia Kingdom

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My first attempt at speed swimming and dancing was a total failure...I must have looked like a total reject in mother's eyes.

I was supposed to be her daughter and I cannot even dance like a true mermaid!

But mom was correct...I had time to adjust and learn. We slowly picked up speed as I followed mother's lead. Just feeling the water zip along my slender frame exhilarated me. Just feeling the water flow through my graceful arms; my powerful tail, and my nubile breasts energized me. I hadn't felt this energetic since I was a teenager!

I chased after mother, laughing as the euphoria of the ocean washed the last of my worries and humanity away...

I had begun to forget all about my life on land as all I now desired was a peaceful life at sea; under the waves. I twirled like a swordfish as I swam in mother's wake.

She backs off as she lets me take the lead as she smiles brightly, inspired by my acceptance. She watched me surge, bubbles spread across my scales as I streamlined my arms up and my tail dolphin-kicks with a powerful stroke. I could hear her thoughts as my own...

[She is going to be a very strong mermaid!] as she was clearly amazed by just how fast this Duine was adapting to becoming something even more.

I still haven't reached my full potential as that takes years of practice. But the abilities that I have already shown were awe inspiring. All of this came, however, to an end when my body was shocked with a terrible throb in my stomach as the pain sent me tumbling like I was tossed inside a whirlpool.

My tail ended up touching my face as I stopped all forward momentum. Crunching over and hissing animalistically as the pain was the worst I have ever felt so far in this metamorphosis. Mother swims up to me, worried.

[Rue?] she calls to me, concerned and wondering if I hurt myself.

[I am alright.] I winced as another cramp afflicted me. I suddenly realized what was happening to me: I have breasts, my face is feminine, my body feminine...only one thing left to change. [It's time, isn't it?] I cried as my emotions were sent upon the whirlwind.

Mother swam back and put her webbed hand on my belly, examining me.

[I think it is, my love. Maybe I could take your mind off it...] she offers.

[It's alright!] I stopped her from finishing that thought. [I have come this far. I may as well face one more obstacle.]

[But aren't you sad?] she wonders.

[A little. But I accepted it all a while back...I know it is inevitable. Besides, seeing a change in reproductive organs should be a fascinating endeavor...scientifically!] I tried to joke, but the pangs were just getting worse!

Sedna gave a small, anxious laugh to ease my fears.

[You scientist types are quite a curious bunch, aren't you! You would do well in the Oceanid Kingdom...maybe one day I shall take you to see Queen Rina and King Okeanos. Their daughters are lovely and kind.] I smiled, my rosy cheeks beaming like radiant sunlight.

[Yes, we scientists are curious...Mmm!] as the cramps attack my stomach with so much force that it feels like I was electrocuted by an eel! Then, without warning, I felt something revert and get sucked back inside of me [Ahh!] I cried out, feeling around, but found no sign of which had been there all these years.

Instead, all I found was some unusually puffy flesh encased in my scales. The moment I touched this puffiness, the area tingled and erupted. I only refrained from exploring any further as it seemed unbecoming around mother.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 6 - The Mermaid's Egg (TG/TF Story)Where stories live. Discover now