4) 𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓓𝓪𝔂?

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Waking up to your blaring alarm clock that came with the basic dorm room stuff wasn't exactly your favourite way to be woken up but, hey, it works! 

You groaned and stayed in bed for another ten minutes for getting up and picking up a towel from the closet, walking over to your bathroom and starting the shower. 

"Now how am I going to do this..?" You questioned yourself as you looked into the shower then at your wings. At first you tried getting in normally, which didn't work as you accidentally knocked down the bottle of shampoo. Next you tried to get in sideways but then your wings blocked the water as you started to get frustrated with this. 

"What the fuck?!" You exclaimed loudly and punch the shower curtain before you had an idea. You opened the curtain all the way before getting in straight, finally being able to at least touch the water. 

"Well this was easy!" You said before you paused in the middle of washing your hair, wondering how you were gonna rinse your hair. 

Eventually after crying from frustration and almost rage quitting your whole shower you were able to get all the shampoo out of your hair. Walking out with a towel around your body you quickly dried your self off and started to brush your hair/do your edges.

You picked out some grey sweat pants and a grey-black compression shirt. 

You just started to do your makeup and you groaned, just putting on mascara then walking to your door and opening who, surprise surprise, was Grover with a smile on his face. "Hi Y/n! Ready for your first day?" You nodded and walked with him to the campus. "Are you hungry? You can get breakfast if you want," He said as you both walked passed the cafeteria. "Hm? Oh no thanks Grover, I'm so nervous I feel like if I eat something I'd throw up!" He nodded and you held your bag in your hand and accidentally shoving one or two people out of the way with your wings. Not like they're going to know it was you anyways! 

You were about to do it again before Grover nudged you. "Stop it, you're going to get exposed!" You shrugged and walked around with Grover as you to made small talk about what you two had in common. "Ah, hello Grover! And I assume you're miss L/n?" You nodded as Grover smiled, pat your shoulder then walked in.

"Well hello! I'm Mrs Dahnes and I'll be your geography teacher!" You nodded and shook her hand. "Well nice to meet you Mrs Dahnes.." You smiled as she smiled back. "Well I'll be in the classroom, I'll invite you in when I get this class settled, ok?" You nodded as she walked in then closed the door behind her. 

Percy's POV;

Grover eventually came in as I looked at him with a slight glare. "Where were you Grover?! I was almost late to breakfast," I said while he sat down next to me with an apologetic look. "Sorry Perce, I had to help the new girl.." I rolled my eyes. "Well is she new to schools? Why can't she figure it out herself?" Grover let out a nervous laugh and set his bag on the back of his chair. "Wellll.. this is her first time in a school.. around here really," I rolled my eyes and looked ahead as the teacher cleared her throat. 

"Attention class! I assume most of you guys have heard by now, but we have a new student joining us today! Please welcome her with a warm welcome," Mrs Dahnes opened the door and walked in a literal angel as my eyes widened. "Woah.." Wait.. are those actual wings?! 

"What the fuck?" I say out loud on accident as everyone turned towards me. "Percy!" Mrs Dahnes said as she looked at me. I covered my mouth and looked at my desk. "Sorry Mrs Dahnes.." She huffed and let it slide before I looked back up her wings now gone. 

I turned towards Grover. "Dude did you see that to?" I whispered to Grover as he tilted his head. "I swear she had wings!" 

"Well she's really pretty, maybe you thought she was an angel or something?" I shrugged and looked up to her just to see her looking normal, no wing s this time as I rubbed my eyes. 

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