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Once you recovered from the bright light you looked around before realising that you should probably turn Kolaus into a cat.

 "Ágrios," Them just like that the feathers got smaller until they were little bits of fur, his wings moulding into his body as he got smaller and smaller until he eventually looked like a kitty.

You cooed then picked him up. 

"Soo Mrs. Hera, where to now?" She pointed to a big building with a bunch of other rooms inside there. "Woah what is that place?" You looked at it up and down as you continued walking there. 

"That my child is called a mall, it has a bunch of stores in it, let's go in shall we? You only need some clothes and everything, then we need to get you enrolled into school and get you met up with that Grover boy.." You nodded and walked in with her, looking around at all the different people and things. 

You walked around until you found some clothes you liked. "Hey what about these?" You walked in and picked out some shirts and pants that you liked, along with some skirts and dresses(if you want to wear them) 

"Ooh good choice! Let's get you out of your clothes though.. the people here as you can see don't really, Uhm, like these type of clothing.." She pulls you into a bathroom and lets you change. (this if ur wondering)

(Only if you want to tho) 

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(Only if you want to tho) 

"So.. is that it?" She looked at you as you were looking at a jewellery shop. "Could we look in there please? This'll be it, I promise!" She chuckled and nodded, following you into the shop and to what caught your eye. 

A pearl statement necklace was up on display and you looked towards your wings. (Which thankfully no one could see or feel, except for others who actually COULD like Hera, or supposedly this Grover and Chiron guys) 

"Oh are you looking for that for your wings? It would look quite lovely, complimenting your skin and hair.. Would you also like that?" You quickly nodded as Hera walked up to one of the workers, asking for the pearls. 

"Thank you Mrs Hera, thank you for today! How could I ever repay you?" She smiled and pat your head. "By making us proud.. we'll be watching you, especially Odin with those blasted birds of his.." She muttered at the end of her sentence. 

You nodded, not hearing the end of her sentence, and walked up with her to the cash register. 

"Ok, that'll be $4,889 plus $2.37 tax.. is $4,891.37! Is that all?" Hera nodded and pulled out a lot of green papers, then handed them over to the lady who put it into some sort of box. 

"And would you like to donate $10 to the hungry kids of America?" Hera's eyebrows furrowed as her smile twitched. 

"Oh! Uhmmm sure.." She played the bill then turned away. "Like your actually giving that money away.." You walked out with her with a content smile on your face. "Well it's time to take you to the school!" She grabbed your hand then got two subway tickets. 

"We'll be at the school in a bit, you can sit down though," You nodded and did so, sitting on one of the seat and swinging your legs, letting the bags rest by your feet as you swing your legs.

"So Y/n, do you know what to do?" 

"Well I know some stuff, all they said was protect this boy," Hera smiled and nodded.

"Yea! So you're going to be in this school and help him navigate his life until he gets into camp-half blood! Once that happens you should be free to go unless something happens that we don't know about," You tilted your head and furrowed your brows. "What do you mean something you don't know about?" She sighed and sat down next to you.

"So with these half-bloods they could possibly start a quest or journey even though it's quite uncommon Odin says he thinks it's going to happen with this boy so if it does happen you need to be there at all times. So that's basically it I think, if anything else happens the Odin will probably send a message via Raven or possibly another Valkyrie, maybe something else who the hell knows," You nodded at her words and hummed, sitting in silence for a while until your stop comes up. 

"Well Y/n, this is us, we better hurry because winter semester registration is about to close!" You nod and walk with her to the school which was about 5 minutes away as she walks straight into the school with you trailing behind, looking at all of the people in the halls, it's hard not to miss the stares that people give you to. 

Once you reach a smaller room Hera knocks on the door. 'Mr. Bunner..' You read from the nameplate on the wall as the door opens, revealing a man in a wheelchair.

"Ah hello, come in please.." You and Hera did so as you both sat down in the chairs infront of the table. 

"So I assume your the Valkyrie, seeing your wings and everything.." Your eyes widened in surprise as you looked at them then back at him. "Yea! You can see them?" He chuckled and nodded.

"Of course.. and I assume you're also the protected from Asgard that Odin assigned?" You nodded again as he wrote something down. "Very well, welcome to Yancy Y/n, now we will have you written down as a transfer from Norway, you'll be staying in dorm 213, it has your bedroom, bathroom, and a little common room, along with one downstairs. I made sure you had enough space for your wings.. I've assigned you your schedule to match up with Percy and Grover's.. on that note I'll call for Grover to come in here," He picked up some weird looking beige thing and pressed a few buttons. 

"Yes hello Ms Dodds, can you please send Grover to my office please," You heard a faint voice out of nowhere as Hera snickered at your expression. 

"It's called a phone dear.. it's what mortals use to contact another, quite surprising by how they made this with how.. how do I say, stupid they are," You snorted and covered your mouth.

Mr Brunner out the 'phone' down and smiled at you two.

"He should be here in a minute or two, he'll show you around, it's already 12:37 so by the time he finishes the classes will probably be over for the day, so you'll start tomorrow.. sorry it's not a lot of time to get you fully assessed with your surroundings but we need you to start asap,"

"Asap..? What's that.." You filed your head as he responded. "It's an abbreviated form for as soon as possible," You oohed as Hera took her leave, turning into sparkly things as the door opened, revealing the supposed Grover.. with goat legs and two small horns.


Secrets shhhhhhh;

1) Y/n doesn't know what glitter is and has only seen gods/goddesses, Valkyries, Pegasuses, and ravens!

2)Odin is making sure Huginn and Muninn report every detail abt ur days now at Yancy!

Fun Fact) Kolaus, Huginn, and Muninn have a really good relationship somehow, probably bcs they were raised in the same place-

Lore Fact) Kolaus was partially forgotten but WAIT he managed to get into Y/n's room in Yancy bcs Odin's ravens helped him!


Hey guysss!! Two updates in two days! Woahhh but I hoped you enjoyed and sorry for the shorter chapter todayyyy, there wasn't a lot I could write for shopping and it was a bit rushed but ily guysss!! 

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