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Yn pov :

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Yn pov :

I was stunned on my place hearing his shit. I know very well how dirty he is but today he crossed his all limits for sanity about me. How can someone think so low of his wife when he himself is whoring around with his secretary.

" Don't put dirty allegations like yours on me Kim seo joon. "

I yelled on his face spitting the harsh truth which might be the end for me tonight. Today even I won't sit back even if he beat me to the death. How dare he said those filthy words to me questioning on my character?

I was standing still glaring him into his eyes darkly. Even though i am scared to hell from inside but i won't show him that. Opening the door harshly he came inside pushing me backwards.

" What did you said? Dirty allegations on me? Huh? "

Saying it he pinned my hands above my head harshly on the near wall. He was dangerously close to me. Still I won't back off this time. He was staring at me deeply as I stared him back with my teary eyes about which he would care less.

" Why? Do you think if you won't tell me I won't get to know about your filthy affairs with your slut ?"

I said gritting my teeth emphasising on each words. And as expected he got pissed off on me. When someone come to know about their bitter truth they pissed off just like him.

He left a little dark chuckle while pressing his body against mine tightly. There wasn't an inch left between our bodies. Suddenly he sneaked his other hand inside my silk inner piece. My body jolted up when his cold hands touched my warm skin. Obviously I got shivers to my whole body.

" From where you are getting courage to speak like this in front of me huh? "

He said and squeezed my skin near waist making me shut my eyes in sensation. He was partly hovering over my body giving his whole weight on mine. I can't even budge from my place.

" What do you think? Just because of I don't say anything doesn't mean you will cheat behind me? And put filthy words for me. "

I said glaring at him.

Again he squeezed my skin but this time harshly. Coming closer towards me he snuggled his face into the crook of my neck inhaling my scent. I won't lie but I was getting chills in my whole body by his hot breathings. Only if it would be a romantic moment?

" Fine then how about i show you what dirty and filthy actually means? "

He said whispering against my ears sending current in my body mixed with fear. What will he do now?

He detached his body from mine making me confused as I looked at him innocently. But I was wrong. Gripping my hairs harshly he threw me making me fell on that cold marbled floor.

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