🥀| Mine to protect

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Yn pov:

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Yn pov:

The evening turned into a dark night when I was reaching to my house being all little drunk. Sobered enough to be heard and see. Clutching on my purse tightly I glanced the building once which I called my house.
Where I spent almost 2 years not in joy but in agony. This well built structure didn't bought one memorable memory to me.

Hence leaving a deep sigh, I took calculated steps towards it. Without having any kind of kind consent I entered into the house only to feel myself surprised.

Well the surprise was enough for me to understand the situation which is might be going now. Seo joon's clothes were scattered on the floor of living room, his belt on the table, his bag was lying on the couch unthoughtfully. Not only that there were women's attire too. A brown skirt was on the floor, there were shirt and undies too.

I was too numb to see anything further. Don't tell something happened which I hadn't even dreamt of. Taking slow steps I was about to reach the upstairs when loud heels sounds echoed in the whole living room causing me to look at that figure.

" What are you doing in my house, Elena? "
I asked taking aggressive steps towards her.
Who was stepping down the staircase wrapped in a robe.

Folding her hands on the chest she looked at me in disgust.
it should be me.

" Welcome home Yn. "
She chirped politely.

" Screw your welcome! I asked what are you doing in my house ? "
I yelled a bit.

" Gosh woman! Calm down. "
She said covering her ears.
She has lot to hear from me.

" Well you see, I am with your husband in your house. And a free answer..... We were making out. "

Saying it she flashed me a grin smile proudly as if she is doing a good job.
Clenching my fists tightly I glared at her angrily.

" I knew you were a bitch.... but didn't knew you will come out as a whore for him. "
I said gritting my teeth.
And it definitely affected her.

" Let's just say you get succeed in getting me out from this house, how will you get me out from his heart huh? "
She asked.
Making me scoff at her.

" Love? Tch! Don't make me laugh Elena. Girls like you are only meant for some night stands. You cannot stand out as his wife. "
My anger was on peak.

Her face turned pale hearing my words. Now the anger was visible on her face which satisfied me the best.

" You are getting out of your mind."
She said.

" No. It's you who is forgetting her position. You are just his secretary.... I am his wife. You are just one of his slut who satisfies his desires unlike me. And now that slut is standing in my house which I aint liking it at all. SO JUST GET YOUR ASS OUT FROM HERE."

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