Oushi ❤️

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friends x enemies

Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there were two university students named Oushi and Y/n. They had a notorious reputation as the fiercest rivals on campus. Their constant bickering, teasing, and pranks made them the talk of the campus.

Despite their mutual animosity, Oushi and Y/n started noticing subtle changes in their interactions. The insults became less harsh, the teases more lighthearted. It was as if a newfound curiosity and understanding were blossoming between them.

One sunny day, as they coincidentally bumped into each other outside the university entrance, Oushi felt their heart race and decided it was time to confront the growing feelings inside. Taking a deep breath, they mustered up the courage to speak.

"Hey, Y/n," Oushi said, their voice surprisingly gentle.

Y/n looked up, surprised by the softer tone. "What do you want, Oushi-kun? More insults?"

"No, actually," Oushi replied, a slight blush coloring their cheeks. "I... I wanted to talk to you about something important."

Y/n arched an eyebrow, intrigued by the change in Oushi's demeanor. "Alright, what is it?"

Oushi took a moment to collect their thoughts before speaking earnestly. "I've realized that our constant hostility towards each other has masked something deeper. Despite all the teasing, I can't deny that there's something different between us, something I'm starting to care about."

Y/n's eyes widened in surprise, their initial defensive walls starting to crumble. "Are you saying... you have feelings for me?"

Oushi nodded, their voice barely above a whisper. "Yes, Y/n. I've slowly come to realize that beneath all the hate, there's an undeniable connection between us, and it's been growing stronger every day."

There was a tense silence as Y/n processed Oushi's confession. Finally, they spoke, their voice filled with vulnerability. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but... I feel the same way. It's strange, isn't it? How love can bloom from such a bitter rivalry."

A genuine smile formed on Oushi's face, replacing their usual smirk. "Yes, it is. But maybe, just maybe, that's what makes it even more special."

From that day forward, Oushi and Y/n embraced their newfound love, cherishing the unique and unpredictable journey that brought them together. Their love story became a campus legend, reminding everyone that love often waits where it's least expected, even in the hearts of sworn enemies.

It's been a while since I updated this book, please vote if you like it and comment down your views! Byeee, take care <3

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