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Bright was getting ready for his high school reunion when he got a notification from a familiar number saying,"He is coming!"

It was Khaotung. Khaotung was Win's best friend in highschool but lost contact with him when he went abroad to complete his studies. After returning when Khaotung went to meet Win they got close again.

Khaotung and First started dating an year ago when they met again in a cafe. They were really nice friends in highschool but lost contact later. They got really close in a short period of time and started dating.

First was aware of the fact that Bright still has feelings for Win. When Khaotung got to know about it he was really shocked, he was aware that many people used to like Win in high school but even after 10 years!?

First introduced Khaotung to Bright and Bright requested him to insist Win to attend the reunion.

Khaotung said,"I am not sure if he will come or not."

"Why? Is Everything Alright? Is he okay!?" Khaotung replied,"Don't you know that he recently got devorced?"

Bright choked on his coffee,"W-what he got devorced! Why? When?"
"I can't tell you everything in detail but his wife cheated on him with his friend." this shattered Bright's heart into countless fragments.

The reason why Bright never approached Win was that he thought that Win is living a really peaceful and happy life with his wife but he was all wrong..

He began shedding tears. But the moment he saw the presence of Khaotung he wiped them off.


"YOU WILL COMEE!!" Khaotung shouted
"I WILL NOT" Win tried to match his friend's energy.

"WHYYYY!!" Khaotung shouted again

"Because I have never attended one!!" Win said

"That's why you should this time! This one is going to be a little specia-"

"Special? How?" Win questioned

"uh-I mean some of our friends who didn't made it last time will join us!!"

"I don't care. You know na that I dont care about such stuff" He replied and continued his work in his laptop.

"That's why I want you to care now it's already 6 move on pleasee..I know that you want to find a job as soon as possible but I also want you to find happiness again Win. Do you know seeing you in this state breaks my heart. It was never your fault. She was the one who cheated..Why do you keep blaming yourself for everything!"

"Huh...You are sounding more heartbroken than me..I am okay now its already six months and I am finally getting on track so calm down and okay I will go..Now stop...You gave me goosebumps for real" He said dramatically knowing that whatever Khaotung said was correct.

"yayy!" Khaotung said excitedly.
"By the way, I am quite nervous. Do you think they still remember me."

"Bro chill you are not someone that people can forget easily. You might find love again!" Khaotung said.

"Khaotung please,I have told you multiple times that I don't believe in such stuffs anymore and don't ever mention about this again...I am just going their because you insisted me to. Now please let me do my work."

"eh ok, I am sorry I didn't meant to" Khaotung apologized and Win smiled in return.


"Hi Win, you ready?" Khaotung asked
"I am not sure,I don't know if I am looking okay or not. What do you think?"

"You are looking breathtakingly beautiful bro!!" "You sure" Win asked again "Yesss, let's go now First and Prim are waiting downstairs

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"You are looking breathtakingly beautiful bro!!"
"You sure" Win asked again
"Yesss, let's go now First and Prim are waiting downstairs."

"Oh, they are also here. I am going to meet them after a year I guess." Win said and they made their way to the stairs.

"Hi Prim, long time no see" Win said while offering a handshake.
"Hi Win, how are you?"
Khaotung told her not to mention his divorce.

First who was talking to someone hung up the call and made his way to the trio.
They talked for a minute and then made their way to the car.

Bright was on his way to the venue .

"Hi Win...nahh too simple Hello Win,how are you?...too formal ahm.. Hi, Win right?...ofcourse he is win should I start the conversation!!??"

"Why are you thinking so much just stay "Hey love,how are you?"

"Hey lov-, Wait! Mike are you mad or what why are you making fun of me! Dont you know how nervous I am!"

Mike laughed.
Before he could reply his phone rang. He replied,"Hey Toptap,you are coming right?" he talked with him for a minute before ending the call.

Toptap and Mike are really great friends and as Toptap is Win's brother Mike also knows Win.

Mike recently got to know about Win's divorce but he was too shocked to share it with Bright.

When Bright got to know that Mike already knew about his divorce he was really angry and didn't talked to him for a week or two until he realized that Mike did it for Bright only.

"By the way do you think I am looking fine?" Bright asked his friends Gunsmile and Mike who were with him in the car.

"By the way do you think I am looking fine?" Bright asked his friends Gunsmile and Mike who were with him in the car

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"You are looking Irresistibly dashing...Win will fall for you the moment he'll see you so don't worry." Gun said

"I don't expect that much Gun..talking to him once is more than enough for me...It's not like I don't want to be a part of his life...It's just that I am not sure if he will be able to trust someone again. Afterall it was not a 2 months relationship but a 9 years marriage." Bright replied sadly.

Mike patted his shoulder and they got out of the car.


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