XXX - The Simple Grave

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Max stood in front of the grave, desperately trying to hold back tears.

"I'm sorry, Iatus, I'm sorry."

He wiped his eyes on his sleeve and headed back towards the academy.

They had buried him on the hill, about a mile from the academy, where they buried all of the students killed in action. There were only a few graves there, simple stones with names and dates chiselled on. Iatus' looked simpler than the others, his only having one name.

"The Senate awarded you a triumph today," Max told the stone, "Never has the Republic owed so much to someone so young, they said. The Legate spoke as well, seems he knew you were gifted from the start, said you were his star pupil. He got one as well, for his victory in Hispania. Scipio has done a good job in Carthage, by all accounts. It looks like you were the only student to... I don't actually know what you would call it."

There was a moment of silence and Max started to cry, "I can't do it Iatus, you trusted me to bring you back and I just can't and I can't find anyone else you would want to be summoned by. I need your help, I can't do it on my own."

Every night since the siege of Alesia, Max had drawn a circle and tried to call on his friend, but every night he failed. Last night, for the first time he could sense Iatus' power coming through and it scared him. If Iatus was a spirit now, what class was he, what element? The only way to be sure was to summon him.

One day, I will be strong enough to bring you back, I promise you Iatus, I promise.

His mind wandered as he walked along the narrow path back to the academy, flicking through memories, thinking about home, what the Ether might be like.

Even if Iatus did come back, would he still be the same person as he was before?

Max climbed solemnly up the stairs. It was past curfew and Max was heading up to the summoning room, maybe tonight...

Max climbed up the great marble stairs, walked along the corridor and pushed open the door.

He jumped as he saw that someone was already there.

"Come in Max," Amber said, she had pulled up a chair and was sat, arms and legs crossed, in the middle of the room.

Max swallowed and edged his way into the room.

"What are you doing here Amber?"

"I think it's more a question of what you are doing here, Max."

"Ummm, I'm practising."

She looked at him harshly, like a snake sizing up a mouse, and Max felt like she was peering into his very soul.

"Well, if you are practising, I guess you should practise on the circle I drew in that corner. I got a chance to examine the one Iatus used when... It should suit your needs. It's done in chalk so you can erase it when you're done."

Max nodded carefully.

She stood up and glided past Max, out into the corridor.

"Thank you," Max called softly after her.

She turned back and fixed him with her icy gaze, except this time Max thought he saw... sadness.

"Bring him back to us Max," she said and disappeared into the dark corridor.

Max gaped at her for a second, then closed the door, stealing himself.

He quickly walked over to the chalk circle. It was strange and intricate, using symbols Max had never seen before, it must have taken Amber hours to draw it.

He began to chant the summons. The circle began to glow like metal in a forge, heated white hot. Max could feel the mana flowing but it was much easier than normal.

Iatus, come back to us.

He spoke the name softly and the flow of mana accelerated, as if his insides were being pulled out, but, strangely, it didn't hurt. He could feel it going but there was no resistance to it. His vision dimmed and he almost fell over, but somehow he stayed on his feet.

The circle filled with light, and a figure stepped out.

I've done it, Max managed to think before he passed out.


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With that said, onto the second part of the story!

See you later :)

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