XIX - Class Reunion

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Max stood on the top of the wall, looking out to the east, a spyglass in his hands and a new walking cane by his side. He was fixated on the dark mass working its way towards them. It couldn't be more than ten miles away now and he could start to pick out individual shapes moving within it. Above the horde was the giant, black dragon. Its form had long since been distinguishable from the rest.

"Governor!" a cry came from further down the wall.

He turned to see another lookout pointing north. He followed the man's gesture to see, snaking over a hill, was a column of red, thousands of men strong, glittering in the sun from the armour of the legionaries.

Max smiled, despite the grim situation, and hurried down the steps.

"Shadow!" he said, mounting the dragon's back "Ride out to meet them."

Shadow tutted, "Get a horse already."

"Come on, quickly."

Shadow made another disgruntled sound but they headed out of the gates and bounded towards the oncoming legion.

They quickly crossed the hills and came face to face with the 22nd. The legion covered the hills. Up close he could see that it was not one sprawling mass, but it was actually 60 smaller masses, each one led by someone bearing a standard adorned with XXII in gold lettering, the golden eagle of Rome, and then underneath those, the crest of the legate, in this case a phoenix rising from a ceremonial flame.

As he came closer, he was able to pick out individuals, specifically a woman wearing a set of steel armour, almost fully encasing her, a red plume rising from her helm, sat atop a griffon twice the size of any of the horses that rode behind her.

As he approached, the riders around her drew their swords and shouted challenged but Amber held up a hand to silence them.

"Amber!" Max said, excitedly.

Amber tilted her head in confusion as she regarded him.

"Max?" she asked.

"Yeah, it's me..." he replied, tilting his head back so that he was looking at her.

Shadow eyed the griffon and grew to his full height, however, it was still not as tall as the colossal beast.

"What happened to Iatus?" she asked.

Max's smile faded, "I don't actually know. I cannot summon him or Aelith."

Amber's eyes flicked about as she considered, "A problem for another day. Right now, where is the enemy?"

"About ten miles due east and closing in fast. They will be at the walls before noon."

Amber nodded gravely and turned to her men.

"Men of the 22nd!" she boomed, her voice magically amplified so that it filled the whole valley with her voice, easily carrying to each and every soldier, "The enemy approach our beloved city, we hold the line on the east side of the city. Centurions, take up defensive formations. The enemy do not make it to the walls under any circumstances!"

A cheer went up from the legionaries, and they began to split up, taking their positions between the oncoming horde and Rome.

"We have also sent summons to other legions," Max added, "If we can just hold out long enough, the 14th, 17th, and 21st are all coming."

Amber nodded, "I do not think the 17th and 21st will arrive any time soon if you have just sent the summons. But Capitus is the Legate of the 14th, if anyone can get here in time it will be him."

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