Royal Love

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Okay.. so somehow I got previous parts of the book and I'll be sharing that untill I get new idea. You can also suggest any specific oneshots request ❤️


Back to the story:

In the grand kingdom of Rajgarh Prince Rohit stood at the cliff of his fate.

His father, King Vikram Singh Sharma was becoming weary and aged, but for Prince Rohit to claim the throne as King, He must have a wife.

Yet, amidst the court, finding a suitable match seemed an impossible task.

Countless princesses of different kingdoms had been presented before him, their families eager for the honor of an alliance with the royal lineage of the mighty Rajgarh. Yet, despite their beauty and grace, none had captured Prince Rohit's heart.




*Back to the present*

Prince Rohit gazed out from the balcony of the royal chambers, lost in his thoughts.

The weight of his father's expectations bore down upon him, each passing day bringing him closer to the inevitable moment when he would be called upon to rule the throne.

To be their next heir. But it wasn't the prospect of kingship alone that troubled Rohit. It was the demand for a wife, a requirement he found himself unable to fulfill.

It's not like he doesn't want to marry, it's just that he has not found his other half yet and he doesn't want to marry any random princess which his father suggested.

Rohit was people's prince, every person in the kingdom used to admire him for his kindness. He was not a spoilt prince but a brave and generous one, Who was perfect to become next heir of their Kingdom.

Prince Rohit was too lost in his thoughts watching a sunset, when he heard a knock on his door.
There stood a clumsy boy who was trying to balance a cup of tea with some snacks in his both the hands.

The boy seem new to his palace, he had not seen him before. But he was looking too cute and innocent as he was concentrating on the task of carrying a cup and plate in his hand.

"Yes come in" As Rohit ordered him to come inside, the boy tried to bow down as a sign of respect.
But that was a blunder he did because a cup of tea fell from his hands and the plate of snacks too landed on the ground.

As the tea spilled and the snacks scattered across the floor, Prince Rohit couldn't suppress a chuckle at the scene before him. The boy, stood frozen in fear, his cheeks flushed crimson with the blunder he had just did.

"Are you alright?" Prince Rohit asked, stepping forward to lend a hand.

The boy, looked up, his eyes wide with mortification. "I'm so sorry, Your Highness," he stammered, his voice trembling. "I-I didn't mean to..."

Rohit just gave him an assuring smile.
"It's alright. No harm done, accidents happen"
  Rohit then asked, "You seem new here? What's your name? "

"Cheeku!.. No it's Virat actually Virat, Your Highness," he replied, his voice shaking now.
"I... I only recently joined, Your Highness," he replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
"I-I'm here to fill the position left vacant by my father, who passed away some months ago"

"Are you son of Ashok uncle?" Rohit asked. Virat nodded.

"Your father's service to the kingdom was greatly appreciated, and I'm sure he would be proud to see you following in his footsteps." he said, his voice filled with genuine compassion.

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