Chapter 2: Iron Maidens and Knights with Teeth

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Chapter 2: Iron Maidens and Knights with Teeth

Rayna knew the city of Baldur's Gate better than most. She had turned the place upside down once. She was hoping she could avoid that again. She shook her head from the memory and went to talk to a shady Fist. He stood near the entrance to a temple, decked in red and silver armor.

The soldier in question was the kind of mark Rayna liked the most. Tall, broad shouldered, self-assured and thought everyone loved him, a typical human youth. "Dear sir, aren't you too pretty to be a guard?" Rayna said.

The man smiled, "I'm no mere guard. I am Rogan of the Flaming Fist. We protect this city and the people who live here."

"Would you protect me too?" she teased.

"Of course, for a bit of gold I could guard you more closely," he smiled.

Rayna leaned in and said, "How about I write a song featuring your failure to protect this city, Rogan?"

"What?" The Fist winced.

"I am a Bard afterall. I wonder what people would say if I told them you and your captain were too busy pilfering coin from the poor and milking your maidens to protect the people?"

The blood drained from his face, "Who- who do you think you are?"

"That's enough of that," the blazing one-eye of Wyll Ravengard bored into her. "Rogan, go back to the barracks." He turned to Rayna. "How crude of you to say, miss?"

I wonder if I can get him to blush, she thought.

Rayna smiled. "Ah. Do forgive my tongue, sometimes it does unspeakable things."

Wyll turned and cleared his throat to hid the blush, "I suggest you take that kind of talk back to where it came from."

Triumphant Rayna corrected him. "Actually, you are going to help me solve this problem," she nodded to the city. "You are going to show me and my cleric friends a way into the city so we can clean up the mess you are too afraid to touch."

"Cleric friends? What use are clerics when magic is gone," Wyll said.

Rayna smiled wide, "If magic was gone how come there is a charge in the air?"

"What are you implying?" he said.

"That magic isn't gone it's being suppressed. Can't you feel it?" she said and pushed a wave of energy toward him.

He shivered and said, "Go now."

"You should feel it. The tether that binds us. You, me, and the trio over there. There are a few more pulling. They are inside where we should be. Find me when you decide you want to be a hero," Rayna said and left.

Rayna had found a merchant to stock up on potions and arrows. She had her daggers and bow but hoped for something better. Disappointed, she made her way back to the trio.

Wyll was in full leather armor a sword on his belt and helmet balanced on one hip. She had forgotten how handsome he looked with dreads and a determined look.

"Decided to be a hero?" Rayna asked him.

"Or a fool," he said.

"WYll here says you goaded him into taking us into the city," Shadow said.

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