Chapter 6: Gold and Stitches

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Chapter 6: Gold and Stitches

"I can't believe she didn't take you, Shadowheart," Astarion teased. "You'd think your radiant flame would be of use in an undead house."

Shadowheart watched him clean his weapons at the fire while she ate. "I don't know why she's waiting to take the Newspaper. This one necromancer infested mansion we found is hardly a challenge. Besides, it's obvious she put me on babysitting duty."

"And just who are you babysitting?" Astarion chided. "We moved to a campsite near the water. Those fish things said they'd stop attacking us if we cure the city."

"You, of course," Shadow said. "What did you do?"

"How dare you," he said. "I am more than capable of taking care of myself. And, I didn't do anything." Astarion thought about the mushrooms and shook his head.

"Bitten anyone lately?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I ate well off those lich followers," he retorted.

"I didn't know you could go two days without biting anyone, other than Rayna of course."

"My eating habits aren't any of your business," he sheathed a dagger.

"They are when they include people in this camp."

Astarion scoffed, "Oh, please. I haven't touched any of you."

"You did touch our leader. And you seem to be touching her quite often these days," she smirked.

"Shadowheart, jealously does not become you."

"Tell me, Astarion. What does our fearless leader taste like?" she asked unfazed.

"Wouldn't you like to know? You couldn't comprehend my palette," he mused. "But really, I am the best archer here. Who else has range like me?"

"Rayna," Shadow said honestly.

"You are no fun at all," Astarion took his daggers and went to his tent. There wasn't much wine left and the few books he had were about Faerun lore. He'd read them. Who cared about dragons and dead gods? He was on an actual adventure. It was thrilling to be free and in danger at every turn. He enjoyed battle. Fighting by Rayna's side was more fulfilling than anything he'd done in 200 years. That woman was unpredictable. She joked and laughed, told stories and sang around the campfire. She swore and drank like a pirate. In battle she was fierce and ruthless. She could be covered in gore and yet coo over a bejeweled dagger or a set of magical leather gloves. She was fearless. And she was generous. She doled out treasure equally. She gave the best items to the person who could best use them.

The more he thought about her the more annoyed he got. He went to hunt even though it was useless.


The next day Rayna and Shadowheart traced dark weave to the tavern. There were several raving zombies and a wraith. After killing them all, an intricate glyph appeared behind the bar. Rayna hit the glowing thing with her radiant light, like before, only this time the bar exploded in golden light.

Glass and wood scattered everywhere. The explosion of the bar caused a lot of damage. Both Shadowheart and Wyll had been knocked off their feet. Astarion had been thrown through a wooden pillar and crumpled to the floor. 

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