Jockxnerd part 6

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Dannys Perspective.
"I swear im not that germy." Axl whispered in my ear as I walkes over to my bed, and patted down my blanket.
"You're gross!" I yelled back.
"Don't fucking call me that, asshole! It was an accident, it's not like I can control it!"
"Yes you can!" I yelled back.
"For some so smart you really say stupid shit, I CANT CONTROL MY CUM!"
I stared at him in utter shock, before bursting into laughter, Axl quickly followed.
We laughed for a good five minutes, before calming down, I covered my mouth the whole time.
Then I heard the worst.
"Wait, you have braces?" He panted.
I stared at him, before covering my teeth.
"No," I worriedly said.
He walked infront of me pulling away my hand and looking at my teeth.
A shiver went up my spine. Probably another thing for him to make fun of me for.
"they're fine."


"Oh. Thanks. But uh... I..."
I trailed off.
"What?" he asked, still infront of me.
"Spit it out."

"I mean... i'm just confused."

Axl cocked his head.
"What don't you get, about what?" He frowned.
"You... You call me ugly but... you had sex with me and wanted to have more... and you called me fat... I just.. I just don't get it... you also said you hated me."

"Yeah, so?" He seemed pissed off.

"It's just.. contradictory.... You can't have sex with me, then say you hate me...And call me ugly."

"I don't remember saying any of that." He chuckled, sitting down in my chair.
"Well I do! Do you really mean all that?!"
I sounded like an insecure whining bastard, but I needed to know.

"What do you care?" He scoffed, spinning in my chair. I grabbed both the arm holders and stood infront of him.
"I just want to know. Am I ugly?"
He looked up at me and scanned my face.
"You're not ugly. I can't really name anything ugly."

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