Part 22 18+

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I hadn't remembered much from last night, except the fact Danny was beneath me and we were in my treehouse. Dried leaves were in my hair, and various bugs were crawling on me. I didn't really care, though. I was insanely groggy, I looked up from his chest and saw him curiously looking  down at me. My heart skipped a beat, Jesus.
"Get off me." He chuckled.
I curled up more onto his chest, slightly smirking and closing my eyes again.
"We gotta get up." He whispered, positioning himself to stand up, I noticed the slight bags beneath his eyes but I didn't wanna make him self conscious or something. Afterall, he was practically my pillow last night, and a buddy at this point.
I wobbily stood up, he was tired, I could tell, but I woke up quickly from the sound of my neighbor's rooster cawing like no tomorrow.
We climbed down the treehouse, and entered my house's back door with the spare key beneath the welcome mat.
My parents weren't home, which I was happy about.
I led him inside, I fixed him a cup of coffee, and he shook his head to any sugar or creamer. Gross.
He drank it straight up, what even are the fucking health benefits? Yellow teeth?
I hated coffee, so I instead got a glass of orange juice. I didn't really care if he saw me as a pussy for not drinking coffee, I didn't really think he cared all that much. Maybe he did, but I couldn't tell beneath his glasses.
After around ten minutes of talking, jabbering on about Breaking Bad, the future, money, and stupid stuff, I realized I possibly enjoyed Danny's company. Maybe.
I took one last swig of OJ, before tossing the glass into the sink, along with his empty coffee mug. I offered him breakfast, but he didn't want any. I wasn't exactly in the mood, either. I glanced down at my dirty pants, realizing I had a serious case of morning wood; fuck.
What did Danny say last night? Was all I really thought about sex? Or was that him? I couldn't remember.
Instead; I did what anyone would do.
"Im horny, Danny. Can we fuck?"
He stared at me blankly.
"Right now?"
I nodded eagerly.
"Uhm... well, damn man. I... guess so." He glanced down at my tent-like pants.
I didn't expect that so easily, damn.
"But..." he trailed on.
"Im the top." He folded his arms on the counter, I then chuckled.
"You really think you're going to get your way, man?"
He then nodded calmly.
"Tell you what,"
He listened closely.
"Gimmie three blow jobs, I'll consider it."
He rolled his eyes.
"That isn't fair, Axl. Please." He whispered, he seemed upset.
"I really don't like bottoming all that much, seriously. I just... I wanna... try for the first time."
I thought about it for a moment. Was one time really going to hurt? Would I like it? Is it worth it all just so Danny can be happy? Maybe. I was unbelievably conflicted, so I did what any person would do;
He then became angry.
Boy was I sick of us fighting every two seconds about something. He rambled on and on, shit I didn't even understand. I ignored him, until I simply wanted him to shut the fuck up.
"Fine." I said.
"But thats not a guarantee. Lets see where this takes us, okay?"
He was then surprised.
"Wait, really?" He whispered.
I stared at him, then nodded.
He smiled. I liked seeing his braces sometimes.
He waltzed over to me and hugged me, I kissed his cheek, even though I didn't want to bottom in the slightest. I was doing it for Danny, but he owed me; big time.
He walked over to my living room couch, his jeans slighty sagging, we were still in our dance clothes we never changed out of. He climbed onto the couch, grabbing my collar and leading me to lay down beneath him. His hot breath swapped with my own, coffee and OJ definitely didn't taste good. He trailed his hands down to the buttons on my shirt, every touch felt like it burned, but in a good way. He kissed my cheek, then my neck, touching my eyelids and lips and open chest. I hated to admit it, but I was enjoying having Danny ontop of me. He comforted me in ways I didn't want to ever talk about, like he was some form of warmth in a constant cold climate. He prefers colder climates, and he likes reading and writing. I liked him, to an extent.
Eventually, both our pants were off, leaving just us and a thin piece of fabric on each of us to contain our boners. He stared down at me, waiting for what to happen next. His hand wrapped around my wrist and he lightly pinned it to the pillow behind me. He kissed my neck, I quietly moaned, holding him closer with my other free hand. He trailed his fingers down to my dick, his hand creeping up on my balls, tugging at my cock. He trailed his fingers then down to my ass, lightly squeezing it, fingering it. It felt good.
I let him continue. He knew what he was doing, or so I thought. But was this taking from my masculinity? My strength? How could I possibly tell the kid I didn't want to? Did I actually like it, or was I lying to myself?
The thoughts faded when he whispered tenderly into my ear, soft and carefully. "It won't hurt, okay? Just take a deep breath."
His voice was smooth and deep, I could fall alseep to him speaking. He held onto my dick, before taking out his own. I laid there, naked, as he glanced at me, waiting to see if I was okay.
I nodded.
He slowly put his tip in, I winced, it wasn't something I had ever, ever felt before. Would this just be a one time thing?
He gripped onto my hips, slightly pushing deeper, his cold hands sending a shiver down my spine as he put two inches in.
"It... it hurts the first time... but It starts to feel better." He whispered, leaning down, kissing and nipping at my ear and lips.
My whole body felt like it was burning as he pushed deeper in, halfway, I moaned from a suprising mixture of pain and pleasure. He moaned aswell, I doubt he was able to last long, he never usually did.
He shuddered, moaning, placing his whole cock up my ass slowly, carefully, I was hornier than ever before. I winced heavily, it hurt like hell, but he said I was doing well. He took a tighter grip onto me, then onto my shoulders, bucking his hips into me, slowly sliding out, then back in at half length. He went in, and out. In and out, I knew the drill. I moaned wildly; my face became all hot and my ass started to feel weird, like I was close to an orgasm that wasnt in my dick. He panted, whimpering and moaning, steadying himself on my abs, whining like there was no tomorrow. I carefully put my hands on his bare back, he was shaking, his body felt hot to the touch.
"Take your time," I cooed, brushing my hand across his chest and ass.
"I... I can't last long.." He cried.
I said nothing, instead, I moaned at the feeling of him hitting something, of like, pure ecstasy. I never knew someone could feel that sort of pleasure from taking it up the ass, I saw Danny cum wildly from him experiencing it, but he could cum to someone touching his back, so it didn't matter.
His hips bucked horribly, he whined louder than I'd ever hear him whine, he whimpered and shivered, spewing hot cum inside me. After around five minutes, I came aswell, I moaned, he pinned my hands behind me, his smell was almost intoxicating with a strong smell of wood, cologne, and strawberries. He laid there on top of me, staring back at me, before he pulled out, his dripping dick was throbbing, his body shivered. I held him close to my chest, I don't think I'd ever seen someone shake like that after a session with me.
"Thank you." He whispered, curling into my legs and chest.
"For what?" I chuckled, stroking his hair, both of us having nothing but boxers on.
"Letting me top. I know you don't like it either, i'm sorry."
I shushed him.
"Its fine... It was alright, but I wouldn't do it again." I stared off into the distance at my tv, it was black and reflected me and Danny, and the window behind us.
"I love you." I heard a faint whisper.

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