Jockxnerd part 10

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                             Axl's POV
With the moonlight glistening on his face, my heart started to fucking flutter, just a little.
I don't think you're ugly, not in the slightest. I wanted to say.
I thought that repeatedly, how ugly he was, but I secretly knew that it wasnt true.
I liked how he looked. He had a medium nose, medium lips, siren like eyes, and messy, black hair and lots of freckles.
It was like stars. I wanted to kiss them all. I wanted to say everything I thought, but I couldn't.

"That sucks," I whispered.
"Couldn't be me."
I then heard a light chuckle coming from Danny. His smile was almost unforgettable, and contagious.
He was a cutie.
I leaned over and grabbed his shoulder, hoisting him next to me.
"Axl..." he muttered.
I shushed him, and started to caress his torso, and his chest, then his neck and arms, his face and legs.
I kissed the back of his neck, his body shivered in my arms.
By now I was drunk, four beers in, we were both in a woozy state.
I took off his belt, rattling as I threw it off somewhere, kissing his back as I threw his shirt somewhere. I shut the closet door, creating pure darkness, only the warmth from both of our bodies.
He faced me, and kissing my lips, his soft hands caressing my cheeks and his honey-like tongue wrestling mine. He was so warm, like a blanket. I touched his back, moving up and down on his protruding spine, all the way to his stomach and back up to his collarbone.
Pure silence besides our kissing and moaning is what we could hear, the party was most likely over, and the ocean was the only thing awake besides us. I whispered,
"You're not bad at sex," in his ear, as he took off his boxers along with mine.
My rock solid member began to be lightly stroked, along with licked from his soft lips.
Before I could even moan, he whispered.
"Can I top you?"

                               Danny's POV
   Axl scoffed.
"Hell no." He laughed, taking my hands off his dick.
"Please." I cried, sitting up, rubbing my collarbones against his.
"I said no, i'm not into that."
I rolled my eyes.
"I'm not into bottoming either, but I always take one for the team, how come I have to be the bottom?!"
Axl scoffed once again.
"That would be weird, yknow? I just feels out of place."
I then pulled up my boxers kicking open the closet door, so I could finally see his face.
"Just because you don't get what you want, you're leaving? Don't be a fucking brat." He yelled, grabbing my arm.
"I've sucked your dick twice, and let you fuck me, how come I never get anything?!" I yelled.
"I'm just not into that! I'm taller! Plus you like it anyways."
I rolled my eyes.
"Height has nothing to do with it! And sure, I liked it, but I'm no submissive guy, am I? You're only two more inches taller than me, we're the same height when I put my shoes on! I like sports, and just so happen to like some academic and "nerdy" things," Before I could calm myself down, everything I've ever wanted to say spewed out of my mouth like vomit. "First you fucking humiliate me infront of everyone, pushing me into the sand, and now your ego and need to keep a "jock" image is..." I trailed off, his face was of pure shock.
"And you even said you were ONLY fucking me, nobody else, I felt special, interesting, but you only had sex with me because we were alone, you were horny, and I agreed! Do I not mean anything to you?! Anything at all?! No. I probably don't."
I shrugged on my shirt, as he sat there, looking up at me, as I pulled on my shorts. He whispered something, but I couldn't hear before I walked out the door.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me back.
"You do mean something, Devonne, I swear." He whispered.
"Oh, bullshit."
He tugged me towards him.
"I mean, I'm not in love with you or anything, but I don't hate you, I don't think you're ugly... and I'm.... Sorry for getting jealous about Sammy, okay? Listen, I just don't want you... talking to her, okay?" 

I stared up at him, my lip slightly quivering, my heart started to beat faster.
"Okay?" He spoke, his voice soft, his eyes closed, and kissed me. After he pulled away, he held my face.
"Sammy is off limits," He said, pulling me into a hug.
I didn't know how to feel. I didn't really want to feel anything at that moment, except his hug.
"I wont make fun or you anymore, okay? I didn't know you felt that way." He sighed.
"Whatever." I whispered.
"You love it when I hold you." He chuckled, looking down to me.
"I do not!" I tried to escape his grasp, but it was no use.
"Awh you do!" He caught me, and kissed my cheek repeatedly.
"Gross!" I yelled, pushing him off me.
Before I could say anything, my eyes fluttered closed, and I rested on his shoulder. He held me closer, whispering and coddling me, and dragging me up, and holding me up. He held me around his torso, as I held on tight, as he walked out of the closet.
I don't remember what happened, but I remember being in my car, with my hand in his, kissing my neck occasionally, swerving into my house.
I remember him assisting me upstairs, but nothing after that. Just him holding me in my bed, taking off his shoes and clothes.

Sammy was off limits? was what I thought right before I passed out. 

                    Axl's POV

   I remembered he hates any outside germs, so I took off my clothes, leaving on my boxers. I took off his pants and shirt for him, changing him into a random oversized t-shirt. Danny held grasped onto me through the night, holding my head to his chest. He whimpered occasionally throughout the night, his hands scratching at me as he dreamt.
Almost uncanny, is what it was. A guy I hated not even four hours ago, now holding me as if I were dear to him. Nothing in my life had made sense, did I like him or not? Did he matter to me?

So, I got up out of his bed, and put back on my clothes, driving back home using his car, at around two in the morning. My parents were worried sick, only now just noticing the missed calls from my parents. When I had came through the back door, since the lock doesn't work, I was heavily sat down and scolded, grounded for a month without my phone.
Shit. All my parents did was interview me, whos car did I drive, what was I thinking? How stupid am I?
I kept quiet for all of them, and headed back to my room, lying awake all night thinking about Sammy and Danny.

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