Part 42

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I woke up an hour later, checking the time, it was three o-clock. My heart skipped a beat when I looked up; and Axl was still beneath me, he wasn't asleep, but watching the end credits of fantastic mr. Fox. I didn't say anything.

I wasn't sure if Axl would get me; feeling such a weird feeling that's unexplainable and all. I wanted to go to school. It was simple, formulaic, I know everything and everyone. Every moment I was with Axl felt unpredictable, besides the want for sex.  I liked Axl alot, alot about him actually. Sometimes I needed a break. Not now of course; but in the future. I was waiting for the weekend to be over; four more school days go by, and then; school is out for the summer. I wasn't happy or worried, more like dull. Every moment with Axl didn't really feel dull, how could I feel dull? I'm keeping him in my house.

My parents come home at four o-clock, first my dad, then my mom thirty minutes later. They don't care a whole lot about really anything, not like they don't like me or something, more like they have better things to think about. They never really put expectations on me; never telling me to do my homework, never telling me to do great. I sort of parented myself in a way; as weird as that sounds; its more peaceful than one could imagine; but more lonely than one could imagine.

I slowly shifted myself on him, he looked down at me, smiling.
"Lazy ass."
I said nothing, and sat up, confused as to where my glasses were. Everything was blurry, Axl was just colors and nothing was a simple shape. He reached behind him, grabbing my glasses and putting them on my face. He titled them upwards, and kissed my nose.
"Gross." I rubbed it off.
He chuckled and pulled me against him.
"You're a real ass sometimes." He said.
I roll my eyes.
"You like my ass."
He began to laugh.
"I've never heard you say something that... sexual before; good for you lil bro."
I stared up at him.
"Lil bro?"
He stared back at me.
"What? You want me to call you daddy or something?"
I scoffed.
"Call me my name dumbass. We've this talk like a day ago."
He hummed.
"Doesn't feel right; yknow?"
I stopped listening after that, and sat up; walking over to my kitchen and filling a glass of water.

Danny sat down with me at the kitchen table, sipping his water and watching me. We talked for a good forty minutes; his main concern were his parents.
"I have no clue how they would react, they usually don't give a shit who I bring into the house; but when it's a kid who's missing; I don't really know how they're going to feel."
I scoff and brush it off.
"I assume my parents called off the search already.."
Danny looked at me like I was a big fucking fat idiot.
"Honey... thats... thats not how that works." He patted my hand.
"If a minor is missing; considering you're seventeen, the police is going to force you to go home, it's the police's job to search despite your parents saying otherwise."
I nodded, sighing.
"Alright; well I'm fucked; so where are you gonna hide me?" I clasped my hands together.
He frowned.
"My parents are going to find you otherwise, but maybe hiding for now is a good idea..I mean; my parents don't ever really go in my room; how about there?"
I eagerly nod.
"Thats where you undress."
He paused for a moment.
"Well... yeah.."
I smiled and walked up the stairs to his bedroom; him trailing behind me.
"Like the view?"
He scoffed and looked down.

Fifteen minutes later; his parents are home. It couldn't be too hard to be hidden; considering he has a whole ass bathroom and a big closet and all.
He ushered me into his bathroom shower; closing the door; as I reminisced about the times we've fucked in a shower; he walks downstairs.
I nearly jolt when I hear the mom or whatever starting to speak a different language; from the accent and not being brain dead; I thought it was irish gaydick or something.
I ventured slowly out of the shower; and to his bedroom door, listening.
"conas a bhí an obair?" I heard Danny say.
"breá. conas a bhí an scoil?" Said the mother.
"Ní raibh scoil agam inniu, is é an deireadh seachtaine é." Danny spoke.

They continued on for some time, before Danny came walking upstairs. He looked a little flustered, and after seeing him being a bilingual bitch I couldn't help from getting hard.
"What were you talking about with here?" I whispered.
"Nothing important; but I iust asked if they heard about you going missing and shit; they do, and they don't really care."
I nodded and sat down on his bed.
"Get off." He whispered.
I smiled and laid down; it was unbelievably comfortable. I stretched out and yawned.
"You're filthy; go shower right this instant."
I smirked and said nothing; until he scoffed, and began pulling me up. Due to my incredible body type and sexiness he was unable to lift me in the slightest, he began to just glare at me until I got up. For his own ease, I walked into his bathroom, and began to drop my pants and stuff, turning on the shower and stepping in. The door was closed, and I could hear Danny organizing his already clean room. I scrubbed my hair, and my body, before I heard the door creak open. I looked into the mirror infront of me, and Danny stood there. He didn't have his glasses on, most likely so he couldn't see me, and began to whisper.
"I'm gonna shower after you; okay?" He whispered.
"What?" I said, even though I could hear him.
He angrily walked closer to the shower, now whispering louder.
"Im gonna shower after you."
I decided to fuck with him again, cocking my head.
"Huhv? Man, I can't hear you, just cmere."
He shook his head and walked over to the shower door, my heart began to beat faster.
"I. Am. Showering. After. You. Hurry. Up."
I smirked and leaned down to him; just a glass door separated us.
"This glass is a bit thick; still can't hear you."
He stood there; so unbelievably angry; I couldn't help but laugh. He quickly stormed out of the bathroom; and onto his bed with a creak, but silently so his parents wouldn't be confused as to the amount of people im his room.
I felt a little sad he wasn't willing to go into the shower with me; I get it, after the whole situation with him crying and stuff; but I didn't really understand what he meant exactly. I got he was overstimulated and all; but I promised I wouldn't do more than like one thing at a time on him.
If im jacking him off; I wont go near his ass. If im destroying his ass; I wont touch his nipples and shit; and so on and so on. I wanted him to feel atleast comfortable around me; its the least I could do for the guy. And plus; I was saving water and stuff; and his parents wouldn't question why his shower was like an hour long; so I hurried and jumped out; still some soap on me; but I scrubbed it off.

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