Part 19

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God, Sammy was hot. Her boobs were slightly protruding, her lips were rosy and she looked really, really pretty. I liked that color on her, green. I put my hands on her hips and we swayed to the cheesiest song known to man, singing about love and such. My wingman, Todd, was handling another chick, she wasn't as pretty as Sammy but she still was. I'm pretty sure her name was Amara or something, I thought she was friends with Danny.
I really hope he doesn't show.
I pray to God, even if I don't trust God, for the amount of times it had rained on game day, I pray Danny doesn't pull up in his fucking 2017 jeep or whatever car he fucking owns. Wait, I don't even think he has a license.
Sammy seemed content, but there was a small layer of her I could almost notice, like fear or something. What was she scared of? Me? Of how absolutely alpha and fucking hot I look? Perchance. 🤔
But I hushed down my thoughts, and enjoyed the night. Songs of many genres played, kids beside me kept bumping into me, congratulating me about bagging Sammy, and I'd never felt more proud. But a little part of me, just a little, like the smallest possible amount, still, sorta, maybe, a little, felt a litttleeee bad for danny. But it was so small, I could never say anything.
Then I saw his stupid ass.
He looked so depressing I wanted to almost give him a hug and let him dance with us. But I kept dancing on, and pretended like I hadn't seen him. Sammy noticed him, too. She didn't seem to happy. I asked her if she was okay, after Danny walked out the exit, but she said nothing, and escaped into the crowd, following him. I practically jumped, trying to keep up with her mighty thunderous steps, like holy shit she could be a fucking sumo wrestler.
Why was she following rue-paul Danny anyway? I mean, its not like she liked him or anything. I suspected he liked Sammy, though. Eventually I made it through the crowd, and I found Sammy in a far end of the hallway, where it was alot dimmer than the gym/dance, and where Danny sat alongside Sammy.
Danny practically jolted when he saw me, pure fear embarked the kid, let me tell you. What the hell did he expect? I wasn't going to kick his ass, atleast not yet. Like, if I found out he was fucking Sammy or something then I'd absolutely maul the kid, but for now, I crouched down beside him and patted his shoulder.
"You good?" Was all I could say.
He looked like the the verge of tears, and I nearly felt sorry for him. As much as this bitch convinced me to cheat on an absolute babe as Sammy, I felt a bit sorry for the little guy, like I wanted to give him a bit of a smooch. 😘😔He wasn't really that little; he was nearly my height; but you know what I mean. Sammy comforted him, which I wasn't really a fan of but I let it slide. Then, out of nowhere, he jumped up and looked terrified.
"You good?" I asked again, Sammy seemed to be scared too, looking between Danny and I. I could still hear faint noises of blaring pop music, but it was drowned out by Danny rambling on about something he was sorry about, but I didn't quite catch it, it was probably about coming to the dance or something.
"Huh?" I asked, folding my arms, and leaning in slighty.
"I.... Listen Axl... you're... you're going to.. to... kill me..." Sammy shushed him, by slapping him.
"Hey!" I yelled to Sammy.
"What the hell did you do that for?" I was genuinely confused as to why she would ever do something like that, especially to gay danny.
"Sammy I need to tell him!" He yelled back to her.
"Tell me what?" I was slightly worried about what he was going to spew.
"I... please, I beg of you Axl, don't hurt Sammy, this was my idea." Sammy stood behind him, shaking and on the verge of tears.
"Danny, tell me right now!" I yelled, sounding like a mother.
I was scared.
"I... I convinced Sammy to date me behind your back... I.. I even had sex with her... but please, please don't hurt Sammy or get mad at her, this is all my fault, and I couldn't be more sorry. You and Sammy belong together, you guys... really do." His voice cracked.
I stood there. I said nothing, how, how the absolute fuck did danny convince her?
So many questions, that I wanted every answer to, but I just couldn't speak. I wanted to stab Danny to death, then chew Sammy out; but I couldn't even move.
"When..." I whispered.
"When did this start?"
Sammy twiddled with her polished fingers, her blue eyes dripping with tears.
"Saturday... he... I called him and told him I liked him... he... he said he liked me back." She sniffled.
"I know you hate me." She whispered.
"But please... just... forget this happened." She sobbed.
So I did.
"I cheated on you, too." I said. My fist was balled, ready to absolutely knock danny out.
"Ironically enough, with the same fucking asshole. The same coward and cunt that can't find his own love, so he has to steal from others."
My voice quivered.
"The same cunt that allowed me to fuck him relentlessly like a little bitch in your own car, Sammy. Yup, the same day we all got together for the first time and I drove your car; we fucked in it. Thats his cum on your steering wheel, by the way." I began to smile. Danny kept quiet, but Sammy looked back at him, horrified.
"He practically double crossed us," I chuckled, but tears began to fall like a cringey moment in a movie, but I couldn't help it. They knew I was tough and scary already.
"I got to hand it to him,"
"He's as much as a stupid, fucking bitch as us, Sammy."

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