Part eleven!

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Notes; so sorry for late upload, ive been busy! Looking back on my writing, I cleaned some things up, such as Danny's height now being bumped up to six feet. Thank you for all your kind words, I truly appreciate it! ❤️

My eyes were foggy, and my body felt like it had weighed a ton. I slowly inched myself off of my bed, wobbling towards my door mirror. My eyes were blood shot from alcohol, my hair was messy, and my shirt was one of my dad's. How drunk had I been?
I carefully waltzed into the bathroom, and rinsed off any potential sin from the night before, not like I could remember, anyway. I put on a clean shirt, but couldn't bother to change my pants. Before I was able to brush my teeth, I got a phone call. I wobbled to my bed, grabbed my 3% charged phone, and answered quickly. It was Sammy.
Her voice was slightly muffled, and I barely made out what she was saying.
"Hey, Danny. I.. I wanted to... ask if you were okay? I know this... probably isnt the best time or whatever... but I felt bad for Axl doing that to you on the beach... like, push you and stuff. I... i dont know where i got the courage from... but... I like you."
I stayed silent, letting the slight static of the phone replay in my ear.
"Danny?" She whispered.
"You there?"
I shakily brought the phone to my mouth, and exhaled.
"Yeah." Is all i said.
Sammy then waited for a few moments before speaking again.
"Do you do, too?" She giggled.
"Yes!" I blurted out, before my phone died.

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