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You gaze into the mirror, but all you see is a hazy reflection. The steam from the hot shower creates a humid atmosphere in the bathroom, causing the mirror to fog up. You open the cabinet and remove the scissors while uncovering the bandages on your wrist. You throw it on the floor and pick up the scissors while slightly sliding them across the bottom of your hand. The blood slowly oozes out you watch it. The door opens quickly startling you. Quickly you cover your wrist with your other hand and hide it behind your back, trying to conceal the scars.
"Again! Why won't you talk to me about this?!" Walker says, sounding disappointed and frustrated. "Don't you see how much this is tearing us apart?" he adds, his voice laced with angst. "When did you start caring?" you respond, your voice tinged with annoyance. "You never cared before! So stop acting like you do!" Your voice rises to a yell, laced with bitterness. "I will call Ms. Davis," Walker said in a stern voice, his tone cold and distant. You ignore him and walk past him without saying a word, feeling a knot of anger and sadness in your chest. The tension between you two is suffocating, and you wonder if you'll ever be able to bridge the gap between you. The weight of the world feels like it's crushing down on you. You've been going through the things, but nothing is the same anymore. Ever since he found out about your attempts, it's like a dark cloud has been hanging over your head. You've been in and out of the hospital, trying to keep it together, but it feels like it's all too much pressure.
To make matters worse, you're still waiting to hear back from an audition that could change everything. It's the only way you'll be able to get enough money to pay everybody back and finally move out. You haven't told him about this yet, and you don't think you will. Saying goodbye would just make everything harder for both of you.
You know you owe him for taking care of you for the past two years, when your parents left you but the truth is, you don't feel the same way about him anymore. After everything that's happened, you just want a fresh start.
You feel something wet on your shirt, you glance down and you notice the bright red stain spreading on your shirt. You quickly realize it's blood. You fumble in your pocket to grab a bandage and cover up the wound on your wrist. You decide to take a walk in the park to clear your mind. You head to your closet to change your shirt. You can't shake the feeling of dread. You hastily put on a new shirt and rush to grab your shoes and coat. You take a deep breath as you step out the front door, hoping that you can git rid of this feeling.
You walk down the street to the park which used to be your favorite place in the world, but now, it's just a field of dull green grass. As you sit down on a park bench, tears start rolling down your cheeks as you think about everything that happened. You were only 12 years old when your life changed forever. Everyone you trusted turned out to be cruel and selfish and only wanted to help themselves. You remembered betrayal and loneliness as if it was yesterday.
As you sit there in tears, your phone suddenly rings in your pocket. You wipe your face and answer the call, only to hear your publicist team on the other end. They sound serious, and you can't help but think it's bad news. However, they surprise you by announcing. "I just wanted to let you know that we searched all over the Earth and finally found the perfect fit for Toph Beifong in the new live action show, and it is none other than you!" You let out a loud shriek of excitement on the phone, causing a few people in the park to glance over at you. Feeling a bit embarrassed, you quickly added, "Don't worry, it's great news!" They went back to what they were doing, and you went back to your phone. "I'm glad to see you excited, but you have to be ready for the flight to Canada in two days for filming. The team will send you details." "Okay, thanks!" "One more thing, the main cast will be visiting tomorrow for some bonding. We felt it would help you feel more comfortable with your cast and your new roommates." "New roommates?" you ask, concerned. "Yeah, new roommates. Where else will you live?" "I guess that makes sense." You remeber that you never told Walker about the audtion. You decide that you'll pack everything tomorrow so you can leave after they visit. However, you can't meet them at your house, so you say, "I can't wait for tomorrow! But please don't send them to my house. I want to show them around town, so I will meet them at the studio." "Ok, that sounds good. Have fun tomorrow!" The team replies. "Thank you!" You say then hang up the call."

Raiya/Jocelyn  X Gordon CormierWhere stories live. Discover now