Clash and Crash

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You had just arrived at the studio, it was cold and it was full of people, quite busy for this early in the morning. You spaced for a while when the realization finally arrived, Now I have to wake up so early every day!?" That wasn't you signed up for... I mean, no matter how old you are, I'm sure no one wants to wake up at 5:30 every day. "Clash!" A loud noise resounded through the room, you looked down to see that something had fallen down just before you, a woman had crashed into the lights. "Hello, I'm sorry! I work with the production team!" The brunette greeted you with a warm smile and immediately reddened red. "Don't worry!" You were caught off guard. When you noticed her panic, you bent down to help her pick things up, good first impression. As you went through the scattered newspapers, something caught your attention, a familiar name with which you have worked before on a previous project. It was in a script that you assumed for an icebreaker or something like that, they mentioned a training camp or a teamwork activity for a better chemistry on the screen. "BE CAREFUL!" Something passed in front of you causing your hair to fly over your face. "Again?! AND DAMN IT, IT TOOK ME FOREVER TO COMB MY HAIR!" You whisper-yelled while wondering why you bothered to get ready on a Monday morning. "I'M SORRY!" They looked at you abruptly before crashing into another person, quite violently... 'OUCH!' You thought to yourself when you saw the boy crash into another person and crash into the ground. "Are you okay?" You asked. "I SHOULD BE SAYING THAT I CRASHED INTO YOU!" The youngest apologized when he got up. "Yes, well, you are the one who has a scratch on his face-" "and are the size of a fifth grader..." The older guy finished your sentence and laughed behind before helping him get up. *Ping*! You received a text from his manager to go to room 106 and wait there until you got more information. Soon you met the two people involved in the "accident" a while ago and passed by them, Did you look at the guy who was in... wheeleys?! "Fortunately, those stupid concussions were forbidden to me..." you accidentally gave him a bitter look. "Hey!" A voice called from behind, You turned around to look at them, "Are you Raiya Rivera? I think I've seen one of your shows before!" The guy spoke with curiosity. "Oh, yes, that's me!" "Great, I just finished that a couple of weeks ago! Excuse my manners too, I'm Ian Ousley, I'm portraying Sokka!" "DON'T TELL ME... ARE YOU STARRING WITH US?!" "Yes! I'm still not sure if I'm allowed to say my role, but I'm sure I'll work with you!" "Wait, us? There is only one of you." "OH, SHIT, DID I LOSE IT?" "If you're talking about the short child who probably has a mild concussion, yes." GORDON!!! I WAS SUPPOSED TO TAKE HIM TO ROOM 106 TO PRACTICE ONLINE!" "I could help you find it if it helps you calm down because you're turning red..." "I would love that." You and Ian walked down the hallway to look for your co-star, "I still have 10 minutes," you quickly checked your phone. "Let's register here!" "Gordon?" Ian looked around what seemed to be a storage of accessories and things like that, although it looks old and won't be used anytime soon. "Ian, we have to get to room 106, where have you been!" "UH, I DON'T KNOW. MAYBE, LOOKING FOR YOU?!" It seemed that Ian and Gordon already knew each other quite well, "WELL, LET'S GO!" You ran to the room and, surprisingly, arrived on time, with, of course, the sacrifice of your hair and energy. You opened the glass doors a little and sneaked into the room before sitting down. "Hello everyone, I am in charge of this part of the production where we will hold a training camp, teaching you all the different techniques, including martial arts and combat correlated with your role in this project!" A dead crowd, well, you can't expect much from them, it's 6 in the morning and having in caunta the fact that your crowd is a group of children from 12 to 18 years old... "In short terms, you learn and prepare for acrobatics and fighting scenes." "At least try to be enthusiastic?" "YEAH!" A collective response from the children, it was not that they were not excited because each of you was very grateful for this opportunity, it was just that because of that it was very early and everyone made the same mistake of rehearsing and thinking too much all night before. Everyone was given a few minutes to talk to each other, since there were some technical difficulties involving the coaches and the team. "Raiya!! ~" A familiar voice shouted before running towards you, you had done a project with her before and you had kept in touch after the show. "MOMONA!!" "HIII!" "OH, MY GOD, IS THIS THE SERIES IN WHICH YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT BEING CHOSEN?" "No... YES, OF COURSE IT IS!!" The person in charge suddenly interrupts your conversion. "Very well, *everyone sits down again* I will send you to different rooms to start training. These lessons will last approximately a little more than a month."

Raiya/Jocelyn  X Gordon CormierWhere stories live. Discover now