He is Nice

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Dallas POV-
Where are Ian and Gordon? You know what's good because no one comes for us anyway, although I feel bad for Kia because she's being attacked and her teammates are... WAIT HER TEAM! I left the guard and began to surround the flag as I looked forward. This game is a lot of fun when it finally becomes interesting. From the corner of my eye I saw a bush! A hat with a cabbage, not very smart... although it's good for me! Mary! Or Kiawento! I ran to the mountain and started attacking the person I hope is María, because I'm not going to be responsible for hurting a 14-year-old! I looked down to see the horror of my attack... MY OWN TEAMMATE? WHAT THE FUCK?! "Hello, dally!" A wave of stupidity endorsed me a little before the realization that he hit me like a big ass BUS.
I saw Maria run right in front of my eyes with our flag! The worst thing was that I couldn't do anything, since I was making sure Gordon was okay. IAN!!" Ian ran as fast as could! He was like flash but ithout his powers... I mean he atleast tried?... it wasn't very fast. "Catch!" María threw it at Raiya before running directly into the fire team area, since everyone was too busy assaulting Kiawento. "YES!" María and [You] exclaimed in a squeak with Kia since winners had been announced. "THAT GAME! TEAM CABBAGES TAKES THE VICTORY IN A SLIDED WAY!!"
-TIMESKIP-A few hour later-Raiya POV
You were all given a well deserved break after about 3 more games before starting the final one, (Side Note you did win musical chairs at second, played in a water gun battle and won charades at first with momona i might write these as flashbacks) The final game was a duo game meaning you would once again be put into a new team. The final game was confirmed to be a game where one teamate is blindfolded while the other guides them vocally through the obstacle. Not a very smart idea huh... "Ok so teams are.." "Dallas and Ian, Lizzy and Maria Thalia and Amber Kiawentiio and Momona, Gordon and Raiya" You were kind of excited as you guys were pretty close. "HEY RAIYA!!" The boy ran up to you with a smile on his face, he looked evil... "Here's your blindfold!" "WHAT IM NOT WEARING IT!" "YEA TOO!" "NUH UH!" "Well you do owe me I helped you in the flag game~" he chimed in, 'I knew I shouldn't have taken him up on that offer..'

Raiya/Jocelyn  X Gordon CormierWhere stories live. Discover now