Forever Fall

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The story start with Evan is sitting on his bed checking his stats. After all, it has been a while since he last checked, he did get some kills but wasn't sure if he leveled up.

[Name] - Evan Smith

[Race] - Human

[Title Equipped] - The Gamer (properties of a game character), Kamen Rider Genm (gains abilities of Continue), The Silver-Eyed Warrior (a power that destroys Grimm and is believed to be originated from the God of Light)

[Lives] - 99

[Level] - 36

[HP] - 3600/3600

[Aura points] - 1000/1000

[Talents] - Silver Eyes, Advanced Katana Arts, Advanced Chainsaw Arts, Advance Rifle Art, Advanced Shooter Arts

(Silver Eyes Description: As preservation is considered an extension of creation, Silver Eyes can works against Grimm as they are manifestations of destruction. Legend has it that Silver-Eyed Warriors are able to strike down Grimm with a single look.)

[Semblance] - Mimicry

(Description: This Semblance allowed user to copy or steal someones else's Semblance with using Observe on someone.)

[Weapon] - The Shadow Dragon, Gashacon Bugvisor.

(The Shadow Dragon Description: When it is in Katana mode, It has several inserts within the hilt, to give the blade different elemental properties, depending on the Dust Crystals can be inserted when in Blade mode. When it is in Rifle mode, the sheathe of the sword is also the barrel of his rifle. It can shoot long range, medium rapid fire, or produce a powerful shotgun blast up close depending what the user switches to. The total number of Dust Crystals are inserted are increased to the same number of bullets in an assault rifle.)

(Gashacon Bugvisor Description: It is a a Game Pad, Shooter and Chainsaw Gauntlet. When it is on Belt mode, the user can uses this mode to transform into Zombie Gamer Level X by serting the Dangerous Zombie Gashat into the Gashat Slot  Afterwards, the Buggle Up Trigger is pressed.)

[Equipment] - Gamer Driver


- Proto Mighty Action X

- Shakariki Sports

Evan: 36 huh? Not bad, but that wont be enough.

Bro we're only in 13th episode of this series I think this is enough.

Evan: Well, it's not enough for me.

Ugh, whatever... So, are we gonna talk about that thing with Cardin and Jaune or...

Evan: Right, tomorrow's the Forever Fall trip and Cardin is blackmailing Jaune. And Ruby is going to have a small pep talk with him tonight. Should I take a listen to them?

I mean, we're already know what's gonna happened so... nope!

Evan: Yeah you right, I should take some rest for tomorrow. ...Hey, you think Cardin will also get Jaune to throw the sap at me?

Oh yeah he definitely throw gonna that shit at you.

Evan: Shit.


An overhead shot of a forest bustling with red leaves and gray trunks is seen as the camera descends and shows Glynda leading teams RWBY, JNPR, DARK and CRDL through the area.

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