Unlikely Rivals

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The story start with after a 45 minutes break, everyone in the stadium sat back down in their seats, waiting for the next match.

The teacher were still at the sports caster's deck, each holding onto a microphones while a holographic image of the four kingdom image is behind them.

Port: Welcome back, everyone! Now, this match is a very special match! It is a 'One-on-One' match with only one victor allowed to walk away!

Oobleck: Indeed! Joining us today is the headmaster of Beacon Academy! Good afternoon, Headmaster Ozpin!

Ozpin: Good afternoon.

Port: Now Doctor. Shall we give out the basic summary and reason for this very match?

Oobleck: With pleasure! Now, since this match is a "Special" one. It is not going to be following any rules!

Port: That's right! There will be no "Ring outs"!

Oobleck: Only a randomly selected biome!

Port: And there will be no use of semblance!

Oobleck: Just two people fighting, whoever Aura is lowest first... loses!

Port: Truly a One-on-One match up! Who will prevail?!

Oobleck: Now, Headmaster Ozpin, why is this match being held and what's so special about it?

Ozpin: Ahem... you see, after all the matches we have seen so far, each student has no doubt given their all in these matches. However, seeing most of our fighter are fatigued and are no doubt exhausted, we decided to hold this match as both giving our fighters extra time for rest. You see, under special circumstances, Beacon Academy has a unique that is composed... Of only one person.

Ozpin statement caused many crowd to murmur with interest, while RWBY and JNPR look surprised.

Jaune: Wait, are they talking about Evan?

Weiss: Of course, who else would be?

Ruby: Aw yeah! We finally get to see Evan fight for real!

Yang: I can't wait to see people reactions!

Ren: Evan against another person... interesting.


Pyrrha: I think it's better if we see the match first...

Blake: I'm with Pyrrha here.

Ozpin: Coincidentally, Vacuo also has an unique solo team much like in Vale's. Meaning this match will be determine who will be the victor.

Oobleck: Exactly! Now, everyone hold onto your seats because if these two solo teams are created then it must mean they must be powerful individuals!

Port: Correct! Now, for our first competitor... Evan Smith of Beacon Academy!

The crowd cheers as Evan comes out to the arena.

The crowd cheers as Evan comes out to the arena

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