Chapter 1 Dark Engagement

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Dark Engagement


During Crisis the Monitor picked up a man from a pile of bodies. It was strange to see a man with green hair and white skin. Even the man's plastered smile gave him the chills.

The Monitor could feel that something was different about this man. He wondered what could it be?  What made him so mysterious?

So, he took a look inside and he peered into the man’s soul. He found it, he knew exactly what it was.

“Hmm, I see. You’re the one I've been looking for. If I give you the tools you need, and the push you need. I can finally find the future I desire.”

He knew that this version of the man was useless to him. So, he tossed the body. It slumped across the mounds of people. He was sadden that the man could only smile. Even in death he knew the man never found peace.

The Monitor phased back to the past and he arrived in the 1950’s. He was now in Gotham. A place swarming in crime. The person he was looking for was Jack Napier. He was a scared little boy who desired help. Jack was abandoned by society and forced to take on the worries of life. He wished for a simple life, a place where he could be happy and a place that he could call home.

Now that the Monitor was here in the past. He was going to give Jack that chance for a new life, a new dream, and a new hope.


Jack's walls were thin as paper. The nights his father were away, were peaceful. His mothers muffled singing was soothing at times but sometimes her screams filled his nightmares.

Rage and anger can be poisonous and destructive. It can unearth something in your psyche, causing a monster to emerge.

Frank was a monster. He was a man filled with hatred and frustrations. He physically projected this on his family. Which made most days chaotic.

At night Jack could hear his father fighting with his mother but their arguments were usually one sided. He could hear Frank's hand hit the wall. It made a booming sound. He knew his father had his mom pinned. Her weeping and his yelling kept him up most nights. Jack had heard this several times. He wished it would stop. One night Jack got tired of it. He wasn’t going to let his father hurt her anymore. Jack ran into his parents’ bedroom and he yelled.


His eyes bulged and his nostrils flared. Jack stood in front of her. His fists were raised and he couldn’t stop shaking.

“You little bastard.” His father said with a slur.

“Move out of my way!”

“NO!” His voice fumed.

“I said move!” His father shoved him.

He stumbled a bit and regained his stance.


“You dare raise your fist to your FATHER! The FATHER, that put food in your mouth! The FATHER, that put clothes on your back!”

Jack stepped forward and he raised his fist higher. His glare peered over the top of his knuckles. Jack was no longer afraid. He lowered the tone in his voice.

“I will not let you HURT HER!” He yelled.

“Oh, I see. You think you are a big man now. Come little boy, let me show you how a real man fights!”

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