24: Accepting Ones Burdens

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Naruto's heart raced with panic as he tore through the room, tossing aside pillows and blankets in his frantic search. "Crap, crap, crap!" he muttered under his breath, his brows furrowed with worry. Every corner of the room was destroyed, and every piece of furniture was overturned in his desperate quest.

"Where is it?" Naruto muttered to himself, his frustration mounting with each passing second. "Maybe the old man has it!" That thought fueling his determination, Naruto dashed downstairs, taking the steps twice at a time.

"Hey, old man!" Naruto called out as he burst into the kitchen, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps.

Tazuna looked up from his seat at the table, his expression mildly surprised by Naruto's sudden appearance. "Ahh, hi, kid," he greeted, his tone laced with confusion.

Ignoring any pleasantries, Naruto plunged straight into his question. "Have you seen a necklace? With a green gem?" he blurted out, holding up an imaginary necklace to illustrate his point.

Tazuna shook his head sympathetically. "Sorry, kid. Maybe my grandson knows. You'll have to ask him," he suggested, his wrinkled face creasing with concern.

Naruto's heart sank at the thought of another dead end. "Do you know where he is?" he pressed urgently, his eyes pleading for hope.

"He's just outside-" Tazuna began, but Naruto didn't wait for him to finish. With a quick nod of thanks, Naruto bolted out the door, his heart pounding as he dashed across the property, his eyes scanned every nook and cranny, desperate for any sign of the boy.

"Hey!" Naruto called out, his voice echoing across the open space as he ran. His gaze darted from one spot to another in search of the boy. After a few minutes of frantic searching, he finally spotted a figure in the distance, bending down to attend to some flowers.

"Hey, lady!" Naruto exclaimed, breaking into a run as he closed the distance between them. "Have you seen a-" But before he could finish, the girl interrupted him.

"You're awake!" she exclaimed, relief evident. "I thought you wouldn't wake up for a while," she added, her expression softening with concern.

Naruto skidded to a stop, his confusion evident on his face. "You know me?" he asked, taken aback by her familiarity.

The girl chuckled softly at Naruto's bewilderment. "Of course! I was the one who found you," she explained, her tone gentle and reassuring.

Naruto stared at her momentarily, his mind racing to catch up with the revelation. "You're the grandson?" he blurted out, his eyes widening in realization. "You're almost as pretty as my mom!" he yelled before stopping himself.

The boy laughed at Naruto's reaction. "My name is Haku, and it's nice to meet you," he said.

"I'm Naruto," Naruto introduced himself, momentarily forgetting about the necklace as he crouched down beside Haku. "What are you doing?" Naruto inquired, his curiosity piqued as he observed Haku picking herbs.

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