Wonderland is not as wonderful as it seems (The Walten Files)

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Wonderland is a beautiful place, full of joy and wonder. But for the spirits of Brian Stells, Rosemary Walten, Ashley, Susan Woodings, Charles, Edd and Molly, it is a place full of pain and sadness. Their minds are wandering, trying to distract themselves from the fact that they are dead, no longer alive and in pain. In this Wonderland, they seek out comfort and escape from the memories of their tragic deaths. As they wander, they find that even this supposedly magical place is unable to dull the pain of their loss.

Molly takes Edd's hand and they walk "what if we can't find Sophie... What if we're too late?" Molly said as she was sad, Edd looked at her. The red children had no idea why this was happening, when someone dies and goes to wonderland, they become reborn. Edd gently squeezed Molly's hand. "Don't worry, we'll find her. She'll be okay." He tried to comfort her, but his mind was plagued by doubts. What if they were too late? What if they couldn't find her? What if they couldn't save her? These thoughts were tearing him up inside. As they walked, Edd tried to push away the worry and focus on finding Sophie. But the doubts kept creeping back in.

The warm embrace of Rosemary was comforting in this place of sadness. Ed and Molly hugged back, holding on tight. They couldn't see her face, but they knew it was her. She smelled like iron and her body felt like a marionette on strings, like something inhuman. But the warmth and softness of the embrace made them forget their sorrow, if only for a moment.

"L ook at t he h ap py f ami ly" "Bon said as all 3 looked at him

All 3 looked up at "Bon", who was standing at the edge of the Wonderland. Covered in pure white. His words sent a shiver down Ed's spine. The happy family he was talking about was no longer here. The happy family was now in the past. And in this Wonderland, there was only pain and sadness. Ed's grip on Molly tightened as they stared at "Bon". "You leave my children alone" Rosemary said as 'Bon" took a step closer, Rosemary became more and more furious. Her voice was dripping with anger as her protective instincts kicked in. She would not let "Bon" hurt her children. 

"Bon" continued to stare, his eyes seeming to burn a hole right through her soul. Then he spoke again, his voice now filled with menace. 

"Y ou h ave lov ely re d chi ldre n." 

The phrase sent chills down her spine. She had never heard anything so horrifying come out of his mouth before. The meaning of it was chilling.

Rosemary took a step back as the fear grew inside her. "Bon's" words had sent a wave of terror through her heart. This Wonderland was no longer a magical place full of joy and wonder. It was now a playground for a psychopath who had ripped families apart with no regard for the consequences.

Ed and Molly seemed to share her fear as they huddled closer together. They no longer felt safe in this Wonderland. The happy family that "Bon" had mentioned had been torn apart. It seemed they would not be reunited in this place but rather they would be subjected to more trauma and pain.

"I sa ved yo u, I ma de y ou reborn" "Bon" said as he looked at Rosemary. "Bon's" words triggered Rosemary's anger again. The rage she had felt before was reignited and this time, it was fueled with hatred. She hated "Bon" for ripping her family apart. She hated "Bon" for causing pain and suffering. 

"You saved nothing. You destroyed everything," she shouted. Her words carried a fierce determination to stand up against "Bon" and protect her children, even if it was at the cost of her own life. "Bon" remained silent and just stared at her. His expression was like the grim reaper, awaiting his next victim. "You r bo dy is stil l blee ding, but, yo u're n ow


He forcefully seized her and proceeded to forcefully remove her limbs. Molly and Edd let out piercing screams and swiftly sought refuge behind the nearest tree. Rosemary let out anguished cries, fiercely resisting his grasp. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she persistently struggled against him. "NO!!!!" she bellowed. "No more!!" Edd and Molly stood frozen, aghast at the scene unfolding before them. She was being torn apart mercilessly, as he callously began to dismember her once more. It sounded like meat getting torn apart, the smell of iron  and blood permeated the air along with the acrid odor of burnt plastic. Blood spilled and splattered across the ground as he ripped away at her flesh, exposing her bones. Edd looked on in disgust, unable to look away and Molly covered her eyes as the image burned itself into her memory. Rosemary screamed and yelled,  her cries were so loud and desperate, tears flowed freely, mingling with her blood. Edd and Molly cowered behind the tree as tears streamed down their cheeks, their heads buried deep under the branches. Rosemary's screams echoed into the distance, and they could barely understand what she was saying, but they heard one thing clearly: “Help me!!”  Her cries pierced their hearts as if they were knives.
"Bon" suddenly stopped and turned around. His eyes met theirs briefly before the dark void overtook his soul. Molly cried harder, while Edd hid his head deeper underneath the branches. sounds of Rosemary's gargles mixed with her sobs made "Bon" look at her "yo u ca n't di e her e, yo u'll ret urn to wha t yo u were" Ed and Molly were so horrified by what they had just witnessed that they could barely move. Their bodies were frozen in fear and their hearts were beating out of their chests. They had just seen their beloved mother, the person who had been their protector and provider since the day they were born, being ripped apart by Bon.

The images of her being ripped apart would forever be seared into their memories and the sound of her blood-curdling screams would haunt them for the rest of eternity. As Bon walked away, Rosemary's body started to reassemble itself, like bones crushing. Her body was put back together, piece by piece, bone by bone. Her limbs slowly started to reattach themselves as if by magic. The process was painful and slow, but her body was being put back together like a broken toy. It was a miracle, but a horrifying one at that. The reassembling of Rosemary's body was a sight that Ed and Molly couldn't look away from. Despite the gruesome nature of the scene, they remained glued to the spot, watching their mother's body slowly return to its original form. The gruesome sight was like a horrible car crash - they knew they should turn away, but they couldn't.

When the reassembling was finally complete, Rosemary stood up slowly, her body still dripping with blood from the process. All three of them just stood there in silence, too shocked to speak. After witnessing the gruesome reassembling of Rosemary's body, Ed and Molly were in shock. They hugged their mother tightly, grateful that she had been put back together again. The three of them stood there in shock and silence for a few moments, unable to process what they had just seen.

Then, they spotted Bon's Burgers in the Wonderland and decided to head towards it. When Molly pushed open the door to Bon's Burgers, she expected to find "Bon" or at least someone familiar inside. Instead, she was greeted by the sight of Susie and Ashley, two familiar faces and fellow victims of "Bon".

The sight was unexpected and filled Molly with some hope. Here were two people who had experienced "Bon's" brutality first-hand and who might be able to help them find some answers. Molly and Ed stood quietly as Ashley spoke up. Her tone was cold and blunt, completely different from the cheerful and upbeat girl that they had known back in the real world. It was as if she had been replaced with another, much harsher counterpart.

"What do you want" she repeated, giving no indication that she recognized Ed and Molly at all. Ashley shared a quick glance, clearly puzzled by how much Charles and Susie seemed to know about them.

"You know them?" asked Ashley, looking back at Molly and Ed. Her tone was still harsh and sarcastic, but now there was a hint of curiosity in her voice.

Then, Charles spoke up, his tone much more gentle and familiar than that of Ashley's. "Jack Walten was the father of Molly Walten and Ed Walten. He was one of the owners of Bon's Burgers." Molly tried to explain what had happened to them, but she was interrupted by Susie who said, "He lied." The implication was clear - Felix had not been telling the whole truth when he had described the accident. Something else had happened, something more sinister and dark.

Molly and Ed both felt a growing sense of confusion and dread as they listened to the two ex workers. Their world was slowly falling apart, piece by piece. Something was definitely not right here. Charles's words brought up more mysteries. Felix had deliberately lied to Rosemary and Jack, telling them something completely different from what had actually happened. And now, it seemed like he had been lying to everyone. The thought was chilling - what else had Felix been hiding?

And what was this about Rocket being hidden at Bon's Burgers? Ashley's words sent a chill down Ed and Molly's spines. She had found a tape at the K-9 Facility that contained a song that mentioned the names of various people, including their own. Then the tape had suddenly cut out, and she had been killed by "Bon".

It wasn't clear what this meant, but it definitely signaled that something sinister was at work in this Wonderland. The fact that the song had broken down and mentioned these names was concerning. And the fact that Ashley had been murdered after listening to it made the whole situation even more unsettling. Molly and Ed both remained silent, digesting Ashley's story. It was horrifying to think that she had been murdered simply for listening to a tape with a strange song. And the fact that the song had mentioned all of these names was concerning as well. Both Molly and Ed felt a growing sense of dread as they processed the story. Something dark and sinister was indeed lurking in this Wonderland, and it was quickly becoming clear that the entire world was not what it seemed. The more they learned about this place, the more questions they had. Something was off. They needed to find out more about this Wonderland and what had really happened.

Why was this happening

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