A Drunken Invasion (The Walten Files)

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This was requested by TheGrimRead3r on A03. If you want to request me anything let me know (keep your fetisheize to yourself and don't request me any weird shit. Your gonna get blocked if you do)

Susan was cleaning the restaurant, then knocked over a cup "I'm doing my crap, I hope I don't knock over a cup and- oh God no! I can hear him he's coming!" Suddenly, the lights in the restaurant flickered and the sound of heavy footsteps grew louder as they approached the dining area. Susan's heart pounded in her chest as Bon the animatronic rabbit, walked into view.

"W hy th e f uck d id yo u bre ak the m ug y ou du mb s hit, wh at th e fu ck!" Bon's animatronic eyes flashed with anger as he approached Susan. His metal joints creaked as he moved towards her, each step echoing ominously through the dark restaurant "boss please it's been 25 years, I don't want to do this anymore" "Susan pleaded with Bon, her voice filled with desperation. "No I- go a nd clea n th is up yo u pie ce of s hit!" Bon's animatronic jaws opened and closed, his voice box letting out a distorted laugh. "You won't give me my salary" "Susan looked up at him, determination in her eyes. "Sh ut t he fu ck up". Bon then looked at the cash register and opened it. As the cash register sprang open, Bon's eyes flicked towards it, "Act ually I'm gon na do thi s GTA sty le, he re yo u I'm g onna s teal so me mo ney" Susan watched as Bon started taking money from the cash register. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she realized what was happening. "Wh- why would you do that?" she exclaimed.

"Bcau se I do n't lik e yo u, y ou fuc king pie ce of ol d s hit yag abo ripo ff looki ng moth erfu cker. Ho pe yo u sh it yo ur pan ts a nd c um in pe e!"

"Guys look!" Molly said as both Susan and Bon see three people with bottles of alcohol around them. Susan quickly looks over her shoulder at the three people Molly indicated, while Bon's head snaps in their direction. The three people were all holding bottles of alcohol and appeared to be drunk.

Susan couldn't help but raise an eyebrow as she saw the trio, while Bon's animatronic eyes fixated on them with an unnerving gaze. "Bon" then transformed into his normal self and walked out of Bon's Burgers "should we stop him?" Molly said then Susan shrugged


"Hello! I'm the car from Cars Two, hello? Hello?" Kevin tried calling out as the rest were annoyed "stop talking, just shut the fuck up, look at this house"

Then then drunkenly walked over to the house and Ed opened the door "dad there's people here!" Ed didn't see Sophie

"Hey" Jenny said as she was sluring "this is a cool place"

"Thank you same over here, so today let me introduce you to all my friends this is- this is my dad" Jack was next to Ed "yo what's fucking good I smoke weed for a living" Keven then looked at Jack concerned "I don't like this honestly, like-" unsure of what to think. "I don't care, you are staying the night we love you here! I will ██ your ██ If I have too" Jack said then handed him a piece of candy "here's a candy that makes you rock hard my guy"

Keven was scared

"I don't care, you will be here horny or not! I will watch you through the window!" Keven gave him a thumbs up "I am horny as well, do you see these images I ██ on all of them!"

Jenny's blunt remark and carefree attitude caught everyone's attention, causing them to glance back at her. Suddenly, she pointed down the road and exclaimed, "Hey guys, look! It's a white man!" They spotted "Bon" walking down the street, and in their intoxicated states, an idea sprung to mind

With a mischievous grin, Jenny snatched the radio from the house and quickly turned it on, blasting Shostakovich Waltz 2 at full volume. "Bon", exhausted from the events of the night, felt like he had reached his limit. As he walked down the street, he heard the distant sound of Shostakovich Waltz 2 blaring from somewhere nearby

With a scowl on his face, Bon muttered to himself, "I've h ad en oug h of th is non sen se."

Just as "Bon" was about to turn away, he was suddenly interrupted by a loud, drunk voice. It was Kevin, stumbling through his words

Kevin had a smirk plastered across his face as he shouted out, "I'm sorry, I don't speak Russian!" He was slurring his words, clearly intoxicated

"Bon's" eyes fixed on Kevin, irritation etched on his face. The group of drunken revelers spotted a stick lying on the ground. Without missing a beat, they eagerly picked it up and began to chase "Bon" with it. Giggles and laughter filled the air as they pursued him with the stick in hand. The tables turned as "Bon" found himself backed into a corner by the drunken group. He transformed back into animatronic form, his eyes flashing with anger. With a menacing tone, he growled out, "Yo u do ne fu ck ed up no w, I do n't ca re yo u w ill f ail- y ou wil l fal l do wn to me!"

Not a single thought was in there head

The drunken group was far too carefree to think about the consequences of their actions. They stared at "Bon," now in animatronic form, with a mixture of drunken confusion and amusement

"I've gai ned the pow er of v oice chan ger! Wh at's goo d! I ca n bec ome m ore sc ary, y ou kn ow wh at? N ah. I ca n be fuc ki ng- I ca n be T P ain, yo wh at's go od It is I, T P ain. Loo k g uys I c an hav e th e fu nny m ic, I d on't ca re. I w ill lit era lly k ill yo u in yo ur sle ep! I c an go ev en hig her I sou nd lik e I s hit ed 17 bric ks! Vi be ch eck!"

Kevin, in his drunken stupor, fixed his gaze on "Bon" and slurred out, "Look at your ass! You're built like a rope-ly ass!"

The others chuckled at Kevin's blunt comment, finding amusement in his comment, The tension in the air heightened as "Bon" felt threatened by the group's antics. Kevin, still stumbling his words, chimed in with a wicked grin, "Please for the love of god I'm going to piss on your cactus, I will shit on your hogala! You can't stop me!"

"Bon's" eyes widened in panic as Kevin's words sunk in.



"Anyway my masterbation session is over, time to sleep. Dimd dimb. Who is- you know what? Doesn't matter I'm going to sleep, fuck off"

The air around Jack was filled with the sound of his snoring, causing Rosemary to grimace in annoyance

Feeling frustrated, Rosemary muttered to herself, "Goddamn it, Jack snores like a chainsaw. It's driving me insane." In her frustration, Rosemary felt an overwhelming urge to end it all, just to escape the noise. Meanwhile, Jack remained blissfully unaware of Rosemary's distress, filled with loud snores and muttered talking "ooga booga, ooga booga, I am your repressed sexually". Rosemary slowly looked at him as he kept snoring. Jack's muffled voice broke the silence in the room, and he mumbled out, "I want to masturbate, and eat rocks.."

His words, though incoherent, echoed in the room, adding an extra layer of absurdity to the already chaotic atmosphere. Rosemary rolled her eyes at Jack's sleep-talking, silently wondering what was going through his mind.


The group of ghosts huddled around the burger joint board, engaging in a debate about what to watch. Brain suggested family guy season 12, but Ashley had a different opinion.

"But I like South Park better," Ashley countered, her preference clear. Charles, with a sly grin on his face, chuckled softly to himself. He whispered to the others, "Haha, little does he know I'm going to make them watch Marley And Me."

He confidently inserted the tape, ready to subject his fellow ghost to an emotional rollercoaster of a movie.

"Bon" became a furry that night, and let's just say. He killed himself

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