Remember Mr. Snow? (The Walten Files)

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This was requested by TheGrimRead3r on A03. If you want to request me anything let me know (keep your fetisheize to yourself and don't request me any weird shit. Your gonna get blocked if you do)

Sophie crossed her arms and leaned back on a wall, the shadows completely engulfing her. Her Girl, Her Jenny, was torn apart by this... brute. The K-9 facility was echoing the heavy footsteps of the animatronics walking, maybe a whisper or two was heard. Sophie didn't care anymore, She came here to end it all She figured that the recent disappearance of Hilary and Kevin would lead her lover here, just to die. Sophie didn't care anymore if Her own mom was possessing Sha, Or Her aunt figure was possessing Banny or the fact her uncle figure, Charles, was Boozoo... She didn't care anymore when Edd and Molly were possessing Rocket.... The animatronics were all in a group, with Bon being in the middle. Sophie then emerged out the Shadows, slowly clapping "You thought that getting rid of Jenny was a piece of Cake?" She darkly tilted her head "A hh-" "Shut up." Months lead up to this... all that time in a workbench, reading all of the animatronics blueprints lead up to this.

"Give yourself a pat on the back, BECAUSE IT CERTAINLY GOTTEN MY ATTENTION." Tears were threatening to leak out Sophie's eyes, but she can't do that... Banny and Boozoo glanced at each other, then back at Sophie "YOU ALL COULD'VE SAVED HER FROM HIM! WHAT DID YOU DO?! Nothing!" Sophie shouted at the animatronics, ignoring Bon. "NOW, MY JENNY'S GONE. DO YOU FEEL HAPPY?!" Sophie starts to laugh manically, If she had told her love that She could do something else, She wouldn't be gone... But she wouldn't spend time working on this... "When Bon killed Jenny, It woke my eyes up. Because you, Bon, You killed my love. Because you did, It lead me to discover Susan's notes and Charles notes on Coding... And last time I checked, There's no law protecting Ghosts here." Sophie slowly looked at the floor "Does anyone remember Mr. Snow? That Bear that Dad gave during Christmas?" She then glances at Sha, Rocket, Banny and Boozoo. A loud mechanical screech slightly shook the ground, as something ran towards them. "I'll say it again. Does anyone remember Mr. Snow?" As the roar was approaching, Sophie snapped her fingers and pointed at a spot near her. Then, in a flash, Something rushed past the animatronics and took position in the spot Sophie snapped at.

A 9'7 foot white animatronic bear stood there; He had a reddish-white belly, Snout, inner ears and bear nub. He also wore a black Bowtie on his chest as his eyes beamed a pure red. He had chainmail protection on his exposed joints "REMEMBER MR. SNOW NOW?!" She finally shouts as a smile formed on her face. Mr. Snow puts himself in front of Sophie. All that time in the workshop, spending hours looking at all the animatronics designs, carefully coding and crafting, She even got Mr. Snow blessed so he wouldn't get possessed. This was all for Jenny. "We ll, it se em s we 've g ot co mp any," Bon chuckled sinisterly. "An d qu ite a b ig on e at t h at." The animatronics looked up at the towering form of Mr. Snow, the white bear standing at over 9 feet tall and emanating an imposing aura. "I'm im press ed," Bon smirked, his gaze flicking between Mr. Snow and Sophie. "Lo oks li ke yo u'v e be en b us y. I gu ess y ou we re n't ju st si ttin g ar ou nd fee lin g s orr y f or you rse lf." Sophie stood resolute, a hint of defiance in her tone. "I didn't just sit around doing nothing. I've been working on my own. And Mr. Snow here is just one aspect of it." She laughed "I even coded him something extra" Sophie said as he waited for Mr. Snow to do something

"What you know about rollin' down in the deep?
When your brain goes numb, you can call that mental freeze
When these people talk too much-" then Mr. Snow rebooted

The abrupt shift in Mr. Snow's demeanor caused the animatronics to falter for a moment. Banny and Boozoo shared a confused look, while Sha and Rocket seemed to cock their heads in bewilderment. Bon, however, began to crack up, his laughter growing louder. "We ll, tha t's a u niq ue ch oic e of pro gra mm ing," Bon guffawed, still chuckling heartily. Sophie glared at Bon. "I see you're enjoying yourself," Sophie sneered, her words laced with sarcasm. Bon's laughter subsided, replaced by a mocking smile. "Oh, co me n ow, swe ethe art. I wo uld n't mi ss th is fo r th e wo rld. Se ein g y ou a ll wo rke d up lik e th is is ju st t oo e nte rta in ing." Sophie gritted her teeth, but her eyes never left Bon's. "Entertainment, huh? That's all you think this is?" Bon shrugged nonchalantly. "W hat el se wou ld it be? I me an, lo ok at yo u. Y ou 're a ll ri led up, br ingi ng o ut yo ur lit tle b ig bu dd y an d tr yin g to pla y to ug h. It's a do ra ble, rea lly."

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