Sophie In Wonderland (The Walten Files)

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This was requested by TheGrimRead3r on A03. If you want to request me anything let me know (keep your fetisheize to yourself and don't request me any weird shit. Your gonna get blocked if you do)

She remembers what happened at Bunnyfarm... Everyone else that got hurt including her own family

A white man was next to her and scared her. Sophie is haunted by memories of Bunnyfarm, where so many people were killed, including her own family. She is startled by the appearance of a mysterious white man, and it triggers her fear. "Who are you?" Sophie said, Bon got close to her and leaned forward "my n am e is B on" he said "I do n't t hi nk we've me t be fore" "Bon" said "b ut" he trailed off "yo ur moth er said so mu ch abo t you" Bob tried to to place his hand on her check and backed away Sophie remains alert and doesn't let "Bon" get too close. She looks puzzled as he trails off, and says, "My mother did?" "Bon" tries to place his hand on her cheek, but she pulls away. "Y es". She seems surprised with Bon's assertion, and doesn't quite believe him. "What did she say?" She asks. Bon gets a little closer and tries to place his hand on her cheek again, but she pulls away just like before. This time, he doesn't try to stop her. "T hat y ou we r e specia l, tha t y ou wer e her on ly chi ld." Bon says gently.

She glared at "Bon" "I had two other siblings, Edd and Molly, I was never an only child" "I th in k she me ant tha t y ou wer e her specia l chi ld." "Bon" says sympathetically. "She loved you ve ry, ve ry mu ch." Sophie remains silent, taking in "Bon's" words. A hint of sadness crosses her face as she remembers her family. "My mother loved me very much..." she repeats softly. 

"Bon" tries to grab Sophie's hand while she resists. He seems to be trying to gain her trust, but she's not letting him get close to her. "Le t me ta ke yo u to h er," "Bon" says earnestly once again, "S he wa nts to se e y ou"

He makes one more attempt to grab her hand, but she pulls away again. "Wait..." Sophie says once more, "Your name sounds familiar..." "My n ame is no t Im porta nt r igh t no w de ar" "Bon" said as he looked at her "yo ur m o ther is wor ried" Sophie looked at him "who are you"

"Bon's" voice had a certain kindness to it, but even so, something about him made Sophie feel uneasy. She tried to pull her hand away again, but Bon grabbed it before she could. "Do n't be af raid," he said softly, "I'm n ot goi ng to hu rt y ou."

"Why should I trust you?" Sophie said with a mixture of anger and fear in her voice, "I don't even know who you are." "I'm j ust he re to he lp," Bon said gently, "Yo ur mo th er se nt me to fin d y ou. S he wa nts u s to go ba ck-"

She looked back at "Bon" and he turned into the rabbit from Bunnyfarm

"-S he wa nts to s ee y ou."

Sophie recoiled in fear as "Bon" transforms into the dreaded rabbit from Bunnyfarm. The memories of that fateful incident came flooding back, and she felt the same terror she felt that day. But a creeping doubt began to set in, could this actually be true? Could her mother actually be alive? Or was this some sort of sick, twisted joke? "You- you killed innocent people including my mother, why!" The rabbit remained silent, not willing to respond to Sophie's accusations. He just stared at her, his face conveying no emotion whatsoever. It was as if he was waiting for her to make the next move. Sophie was shaking with anger and fear, her heart racing and her body aching from the adrenaline. In a moment of rage, she lunged forward to attack the rabbit, but he ducked out of the way easily and quickly. "Oh S oph ie" Bon said

Sophie froze, hearing her name in the rabbit's voice. Something about it sent chills down her spine. "H-how do you know my name?" She asked, her voice shaky with fear. The rabbit didn't respond, just smiled back at her chillingly. The rabbit took a step towards her, his sharp teeth and piercing eyes making her recoil in fear. "I kn ow a l ot of th ings, my de ar." He said, his voice menacingly calm. Sophie felt trapped, like a deer in the headlights. "D on't be afr aid," The rabbit continued, "I'm not go ing to h urt yo u..."

Sophie stayed frozen. She was terrified, but the rabbit's tone made her feel slightly emboldened. Maybe she could reason with him, or at least figure out what he wanted. "What do you want from me?" She asked, her voice still trembling. "J ust to s ee yo ur m oth er." The rabbit calmly replied, "Sh e wa nts to s ee yo u to o, and s he's wa itin g for yo u." People with masks came into view, a sheep, a clown, a purple rabbit, and a musician "a re n't th ey bea utif ul So ph ie" Sophie felt her heart sink as the masks appeared, knowing that those were the faces of the other victims of Bunnyfarm. It was a horrifying sight, and reminded her of their tragic fates. She wanted to look away, but at the same time she couldn't help but stare at the masks. "Why are you showing me this?" She asked the rabbit.

"Y ou ca n't make an om elett e, wit ho ut br eak ing a f ew eg gs" "Bon" said as he grabbed her arm, Sophie flinched in pain as Bon grabbed her arm, but she didn't try to pull away. She didn't want to make him angry. "What do you mean?" She asked nervously. Sophie struggled to understand what Bon was saying. She wanted to fight back, but he had a firm grip on her arm. And before she knew it, she was surrounded by the masks - the other victims of Bunnyfarm. The sight of the masks triggered a wave of anger within her, and she tried to pull away from Bon's grip again, but he wouldn't let go. She pulled hard, but he held fast and she just couldn't get free.

In a sudden burst of anger, Sophie twisted her arm hard, causing Bon to let go. She swung at Bon, but he was quick and dodged just in time. He lunged forward and grabbed her arm again, but this time she was prepared. She kicked Bon in the stomach, knocking the breath out of him and allowing her to spin away. Sophie stood her ground, determined to fight. She glared at Bon, waiting for his next move. Bon stared back at her, his expression unchanged. He lunged again, this time in a lower stance. He got close quickly, looking to grab her again. Sophie saw this coming and stepped back quickly, dodging his grab and landing another powerful kick to his stomach. Bon backed away, not wanting to get within kicking range again. He held his arms out wide, inviting her to come at him. Sophie saw this as a challenge and charged forward, swinging a powerful punch at his face. Bon saw this coming and caught her punch, flipping her onto her back and slamming her hard onto the ground.

"My h ead, m y rul es" "Bon" said then he twisted her arm causing her to yell "wh at a p ity" he said then dropped her "I th oug ht you wo uld be mor e of a fi ght" Sophie moaned in pain as her arm was twisted, her body aching from the pain of the fall. She couldn't move her arm at all, it sounded like it was broken. She glared at Bon with a mixture of anger and fear, waiting for whatever he would do with her next. "Yo u're mu ch we ak er th an I thoug ht." Bon said with a cold, calm, and almost amused tone. "I th ough t yo u'd pu t up a b igge r fi ght, bu t, y ou ca n't eve n mov e yo ur ar m no w" He said, as he stood over her. "Wh ere's you r stre ng th, S oph ie?" He mocked. Sophie groaned as her arm ached severely, causing her to feel even more anger. She glared up at Bon, and even though she couldn't move her arm, she still wanted to fight back. Sophie screamed in pain as Bon's foot was pressed firmly against her back, pinning her down to the ground. She was powerless and couldn't move a single inch. She was scared, wondering what Bon was doing and what he was going to do to her next.

"P oor litt le Sop hie" Bon said "yo u ca n't eve n fi ght" Sophie screamed when she felt her back snap, the pain of it was like nothing she had ever felt before. She wailed in agony and couldn't move, unable to do anything to stop it. Bon kept his foot planted on her back, preventing her from moving in any way. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't move a single inch. The agony of her back was so immense that it made her unable to think or speak, she couldn't even form a complete sentence. Bon walked away from what he did and left Sophie there to slowly rot

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