Prolouge: History of the USCA

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What the USCA is.

The United States of Continental America, it is the Fifth Nation of Remnant, but it is not like any other place on Remnant as it does not see itself as a Kingdom, but a Republic instead, controlling a vast amount of territory larger than the Four Kingdoms combined, and is thought to be a myth.

The USCA is a large nation that spans several continents such as the Americas, Asia, Europa, Nordic Isles, Afrika, Oceania, and the Slavic Isles, with the president voted in by the people, for the people, and with the people instead of a Monarch, or in the case of the Four Kingdoms, an Oligarchy, and they had racism and bigotry wiped out for true freedom.

However, the USCA was a livable but radioactive and dangerous wasteland, but it wasn't always like this.

The Early Years of Colonization and Separation.

1000 Years Ago, the Four Kingdoms formed, beginning the Common Era (CE).

Centuries ago before the Great War, settlers from Mantle, Mistral, Vale, and Vacuo landed on the shores of the Americas, Caribbean Islands, Nordic Isles, Slavic Isles, Afrika, Asia, Oceania, and Europa, with the settlers mixing in with the Natives and both cultures mixing together, and the settlers spread out all over Americas, Asia, Afrika, Slavic Isles, and Europa.

Faunus also came into the what is now the USCA during Mantle's colonization decades of before the Great War, they either came in as immigrants called Free Faunus, who came to America to escape the racism in the rest of the Four Kingdoms, or as Enslaved Faunus imported into the colonies by Mantle and Mistral, which the Natives disliked but had to deal with it.

Many sympathetic people, especially in the Northern colonies, gave money to enslaved Faunus to help them buy their freedom but the Dixie South saw Faunus as animals and free labor for slavery.

As time went on, the settlers, whether they mixed with the Natives or not, began culturally and identity-wise, separating themselves from the rest of Remnant, making their own culture and identity, calling themselves Americans, Mexicans, Canadians, Caribbean, European, Slavic, Asian, Oceanic, Afrikan, and Islamic.

No longer calling themselves Mantlese, Valean, Mistralian, and Vacuan.

A few examples

Mexico, Mesoamerica, and South America was once called New Vacuo as Vacuan Settlers mixed with the Natives there such as the Aztec and ended up creating Mesonian Spanish.

Germania was once called New Mantle but when the Mantlese on New Mantle revolted, they began calling themselves Germans and their island Germania.

Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut were once New Solitas and the region is still called as such

Francia was once New Lux Vale and Quebec was home to a number of Valeans and was called New Secundus Vale.

Britannia was once New Britannia Vale as a mixture of Mantlese and Valean Settlers came to it.

Oceania was once New Tertia Vale as Valean Settlers colonized the lands, Old Valean (with the exception of Francia) got mixed in with Remnant-Common, creating unique accents such as Oceanian English and Britannian-English.

Iberia Island and Hellena were once New Mistral as on Mistralian Settlers settled and mixed with the Natives, Vacuan Settlers also arrived on Iberia and mixed with the Mistralian Settlers and Natives, creating the Languages of Iberian Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Galician, and Basque.

Some Mistralian Settlers settled in Asia and their languages and cultures mixed as well.

Tensions and the beginning of the Great War and the American Revolution/Continental Revolution.

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