Chapter 2

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A small girl sleeping on her soft bed while hugging her lovely bear.

Now she couldn't sleep peaceful anymore because of someone woke her up.

" Hanni Wake up! " She groaned while rolled over her bed.

Well she lived at Australia with her family. She's very beautiful, smart and kindhearted. Today she has to flight to Korea. She has lived in Australia since she birthed.

" Hurry up, Hanni-ah!" Her dad said that time. She rushed into her bathroom when She realized that today she has to flight to Korea.

Her name's Pham Hanni. She is 17 years old. Her dad is a businessman and her mother is a lawyer. She's from a wealthy family but they're humble and always help people.

Hanni is a bubbly girl. She is so lovely child and she also has a sister is Jasmine. Her sister is 12 years old. She has to move back to Korea because her father has a company in Korea.

" Dad, Does Jasmine wake up?" After she's done she went down.

" Let's go we are all going to airport." She nodded and saw everyone are at living room. " Carl, we are done let's go!" He bowed and put their luggages into the trunk.

After 30 minutes they reached their destination, Melbourne Airport. They have booked the flights already so they have to wait some more time.

Korea, Seoul

The butler picked up their luggages inside the mansion. " You can rest now, Carl. Thank you!" He smiled and bowed to the old man.

" I don't know we have such a big mansion, dad!" The younger exclaimed. " Yeah, you should go to rest. Tomorrow the both of you will start a new school." The old man said. They nodded happily and went inside.

" Let's go inside our new house!" They ran into the house like child and they amazed with their new house. It's bigger than their previous house.

" Our maids already prepared your stuff so tmr wake up early." Their mom said. " Carl will drive you both to school." She continued.

Tomorrow, Morning

" Goodbye, mom, dad!" They said in unison. " Carl, drive safely."

" Yes, ma'm." He bowed then he opened the car door for them.





At School

As usual the students always loud some are flirting and some are laughing. Until their teacher came in. " Good morning, class! Today we have a new student here. Please welcome!" Students turned to look at the door. Then a pretty girl walked in with smile on her face.

" Please introduce yourself!" He said. " Hi everyone! My name is Pham Hanni. You can call me Hanni and nice too meet you!" She smiled to her classmates. They clapped their hands welcome her.

" You can sit with...her, Danielle." He said pointed to a student. She opened her eyes wide when she heard her name. She quickly bowed to him went to her seat.

" Danielle? I'm Hanni do you still remember me?" Danielle nodded and they do a little squeal.

" I didn't expect that we can meet again! How are you and your family?" Danielle asked. " We are fine and you?" Hanni asked. " Me too, I didn't know you study the same class with me." Danielle said.

" Well, I'll tell you when the lunch break. let's just study first!" Danielle said with full energy. Hanni smiled and they listened to their teacher.





" Well, Daniell you said you have something to tell me. What is it?" Hanni asked curiously.

" Yeah, I forgot! Our class is full of bully you must be careful. Especially with them, the taller one is the top two in our class. He's full of himself he always bully who try to win against him or get higher scores than him." Danielle said.

" I see, but who is the top one in our class?" Hanni asked. " It's her she is the genius one in the class. No one can beat her from high score and she is so quiet she only speaks with the teachers. She is not rude but she doesn't want to talk to anyone." Hanni seemed interested. " Doesn't she have any friend?" Danielle shook her head. " No, I think she didn't have. She eats alone, study alone, go home alone..." Danielle said. " You seem know a lot about her." Hanni said.

" Actually, she is my neighbors. She lives with her mother, I never saw her dad. Let me tell you, she always work hard for money she deliveries the foods all night and stay up late. Her mother stays home." Danielle explained. " What is her name? " Hanni asked while eating her foods.

" Kim Minji, one more thing people in our neighborhood love her because she's kind and always helping people even the kids and old people. I don't know but I feel pity for her even though she has many works to do, she's still getting a good grade in the class." Danielle explained while Hanni listened carefully.

Hanni seemed interested into her. What will happen?

In the class

Minji sit near the window. Hanni observed her from the other side since her seat is not far away and she sit the same row as her so she could see her perfect side profile. She has plumb lips, pointed nose, pretty eyes. she couldn't take her eyes off her because she stared at her kissable lips.

' She's so focus on the lessons.' Hanni thought while smiling.

Then Minji turned to look at her she felt someone staring at her. Hanni quickly turned her gaze to her book and pretend like nothing happen. Suddenly she blushed from what happend early. She took a glance to her again but she's already standing in front of the class.

" So everyone, this is the correct answer. You can copy and thank you so much, Minji for solving this exercise. You can go to your seat. Everyone you should study hard like her." Minji bowed at him and went to her seat.

Her classmates clapped their hands for her they are really happy that the answers solved by her if not their teacher will call them one by one to do it, but only one person that had been glared at her with anger and envy.

It's normal for her she never smile so she didn't care. She just want to study hard for her future and her mother at home.

The bell rang means that it's time for the students to go home. As usual the students bid their goodbye and the students are very excited. Everyone could rest and play games after they got home, but Minji went to do her work like usual.

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