Chapter 4

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It's time to go to school again. It's like the other days but before I go I saw my mom already cooked breakfast for me.

" Come and eat your breakfast!" Mom said. I didn't want disappointing her so I ate it her food is still my favorite. She sat and watch me eat with smile on her face. " What's with that smile, mom?" I asked. " Nothing." She said and I finished my breakfast.

" Mom, I'm going to school. Bye mom!" I hugged her and went out. " Be careful!" She shouted and I returned her my beautiful smile.

As usual nothing change I rode a bus with the other students. I have my favorite hobby is listening to music while reading my book. I always woke up early so it doesn't have any traffic jam.

" Hi, Minji." I looked up to see a girl called my name. She's a new student maybe. " What?"

" Can I sit beside you? cuz the seats are all taken." She asked me. I looked around and it's all taken so I nodded.

" What are you listening?" Aish this girl ask non-stop.

" Why?" I asked. " Oh I just wonder you always have earbuds."

" My playlist." She nodded.

Now I arrived at the bus stop I got off and continue walk to school. " Bye Minji! See ya!" She waved to me and ran to entrance. While I'm walking, I heard a familiar voice call me.

" Hey, Minji waits!" She shouted. I turned around and see her panting hard. " Why?" I asked her. " Aw we study at the same school right? So you need to wait for me. I'm new here you know!" She said with annoyed face.

" Fine make sure... be careful next time." Then I continued walk, but I heard she muttered something. " This punk!"

" Minji, do you know where is the school office? Can you bring me there? Please..." she made her infamous puppy eyes. " Stop with your puppy eyes, Just go by yourself." I said. " Wae? You are so mean. Please I need your help I only know you here!" She said. " Follow me." I sighed defeat.

After that I went to my class. I sat and wait for my teacher for 20 minutes then she came.

" Good morning, class! I have a good new today we have a new student here. Please welcome her!" Then that kitten walked in.

" Hello! My name is Kang Haerin nice to meet you guys!" She said. The students clapped their hands to welcome her.

" Alright since we have only one seat available, you will sit beside Kim Minji." She said and I opened my eyes wide. Can I just sit alone? Why she has to be my classmate?

" Hi! I know what are you thinking? " she smirked.

" So now back to our lessons today!"





Lunch Break

" Next week we will have an exam so you better prepare for it! Bye!" We said good bye to her and she went out.

" Let's go to eat something! I'm hungry I heard we have a delicious foods here." She said.

" I know." I said. Suddenly she dragged me out of here which made me have a jump scared.

" What are you doing? Let go of me!" I said angrily. " No we will have a lunch together." She said with grins.

" Let's eat!" We didn't have so much money but she shared her foods for me. I confused. " Why?"

" Oh I just want to share my foods with you. What's the problem ?" She asked innocently.

We ate our foods while she talked a lot and I just listened.

" Hey, Minji. Why are they looking at us?" She asked and I turned to look around. " Don't mind them!" I said and continued to eat my foods.

" It's just weird." She said.

" Look like she has a new friend here! " They said and went to us. They was about to make scene again but they quickly go to their seats because they saw teachers.

I stood up and grabbed my food tray. " Let's go." She rushed to me and we went out.

The next day

I arrived school today I have an P.E class but I didn't see my sport clothes. I checked my bag and go to my locker and see nothing.

Now I got punishment to runs around the areas. I'm very tired and hot at the same time. Haerin saw me and asked, " what happened?"

" I-I lost my sport clothes..." I painting hard and now I stood in front of him. " Next time I'll give you more punishment if you still forgot you stuff again."

" Yes." I responded.

Then Haerin ran to me she seems worried. " You okay?" She asked and I nodded. I saw them laughing at me. " Who did that?" She asked.

" Mind our own business!" I said and went out to take a shower.

I'm done taking a shower now I changed to my extra clothes in my locker. I knew Haerin wanted to be friend with me and I just let her. She seemed angry earlier and I didn't know either if she wanted to be friend with me or something else.

After I finished, Haerin told that our class got canceled.

After that Minji decided to go to library. Haerin saw and she followed Minji to library. Minji went to read book, Haerin thought that the library would be quiet so she could sleep peacefully.

Minji didn't mind her and mind only her business.

They didn't know that Hanni and Danielle were there too, so they came here to relax.

" Hi guys!" Danielle said with energetic. Haerin was about to sleep but after she heard her voice she stared at Danielle. " oh hey?"

" What are you doing here?" Haerin asked with her sleepily eyes. " Since next week we'll have exam, so we come here to do some exercises."

" Oh really. I just come here to sleep." Danielle giggled. " I find the seat now. Bye!"

" Minji, Is it fate or what? I think we always ran into them. anyways, do you think they're pretty?" Minji looked at her. " Why? I'm not interested."

" What! you blind? Look they're friendly, pretty and look at you. you're so rude to them I just want you to be friendly." Minji studied her. She thought about that and shrugged. " Aish! Wake me up when you done." Then Haerin dozed off.

" Sorry, Haerin~ ah, I will try." Minji felt guilty while looking at her.


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